What really drives young academics in the land of poets and thinkers, so if he's not against unreasonable Study demonstrates conditions? Well, he does often and willingly with great commitment and critical gesture countless thoughts about living together "of people in the country" (A. Merkel). One of his liberal arts classes such as employed in the former as the left elite force university of a Hessian town not too long ago for a semester with the theme " media and Oriental Studies - the perception of Islam and the Islamic world in the German press." What has come of it, can be reconstructed on the basis of a thesis, that the GRIN-Verlag has kindly taken into the program. The summary This document is called (spelling, punctuation, etc., as in the original):
"The theme of my work has given me a good look with the positive aspects of the introduction of Sharia law in Germany to set. [...] I came to the conclusion that the only basis on which I believe can be discussed via a consideration of Sharia law in our legal system, which is the integration. Basic idea should be that you could provide in this way the Muslims that you respect their special cultural and religious diversity and is willing to - if they do not encroach on German law or fundamental human rights and democracy in general - be considered. This could make it easier for Muslims to integrate into our legal system and our culture. This view I would like to investigate whether it is fundamentally needs to consider to what extent Islamic law should also apply here. [...] Not only in Germany but also in other European countries such as England or France, faced with the task of the bear ever greater proportion of Muslims in the country so as to recognize that, for the protection of their cultural and religious peculiarities uses, rather than demonize them and exclude them from society. "The author respectively the Author definitely has a liking to his or her subject matter found shows as well as the conclusion of the work:
"I think that recognition of Sharia [...] with our concept of rule of law is compatible. [...] A more liberal and modern state should be able to bring people of different religions and ethnic groups under one umbrella. [...] I would hope that we can raise all the more understanding and acceptance of other cultures and show us the will, that we are willing to accept them. This could also enrich our lives. "A bit of sharia is well known, yet no one hurt the least the Muslims. The lecturer was it also more than satisfied:
"As part of a" discursive experiment is investigated, which might argue for the introduction of Sharia law in Germany. Convincingly it analyzes [work] nature and history of the Sharia and calls for a differentiated approach to the sharia, without abandoning the rule of law. I assess the work very much (14 points). "Answeringthe question remained, Who was the lecturer, gave the as one of his proteges the job, the benefits of enrichment of a secular rule of law by the Islamic courts to make clear, and found the nearly maximum pleasure in the fact inevitably resulting cultural relativism, homicidal dirt. It is - and then adjusts so well as the ass on the bucket - by none other than the notorious Islamic and Middle East "expert" Michael Lüders, for "the West" own fault is on Islamist terror, the had the breakthrough idea Israel in the war against Hezbollah to turn to Iran as a mediator, and the of a "peace offer" anticipates, if Osama bin Laden holds an inflammatory speech without having to juggle with a gun. Such a lie in a critical dünkende graduate course at your feet.
would be interesting there to see if Lüders ended his seminar with a few practical exercises and, say, the Muslim participants stayed quite differentiated and more or less discursive experimentally the Sharia, to illustrate the Studiosi the benefits of this divine law. Finally, gray is all theory.
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