About the Western friends of the Jihad and its real enemy.
you yell "Daham instead of Islam" and admire the jihadists. Under Austrian neo-Nazis particularly popular website Alpine donau.info who otherwise wishes than the Kronen Zeitung and the Freedom Party, the "West in Christian hands", is also on Distinktionsgewinn of: "With cheaper Muslim hostility is cooled be Mütchen. We have no religious problem but a problem of foreigners "here in the narrow circle of far-sighted you think in large spaces and distances himself when it comes to reporting on Iran, violently small area of the tabloid newspaper, with no one else dares to create, not even the presidential candidate of the Yellow Party, Joerg Haider, who once made her great. And since breaking the middle of the xenophobia of the envy of the world such a successful competitor in terms of barbarism out - the fact that in the other area are the leaders and the rackets: Ahmadinejad and Khamenei, the Revolutionary Guards and the Bassidji, that we must stone there who the community is not added, but above all, that only where the common enemy that is breaking the boundaries and the free Movement of capital and labor, organized and guarantees the end offers: Iran was the "last free state."
The Alpine Danube is the epitome of neo-Nazi. As the anti-imperialist to the "left" it is to the Freedom Party: he feels himself to be the designated area theorist, a foreign policy strategist within a movement that relates to what the big goal, entangled in the everyday political struggle of the retail space. The anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the demonization of Israel and the United States, as provided by the Alps-Danube-Info could just as well originate from the homepage of the Kai-Homilius-Verlag, Jürgen Elsässer where its people's initiative simulated. The original Nazis are simply the consistent anti-imperialists: they not only say "Zionism", they focus with particular verve directly to the Jews, and they attack not only the Jews in general, but also target equal to a certain Jews or a certain Jew.
The anti-Semitic projection needs as opposed to racism always concrete, individual persons as objects. The personification of the need to complete: It is not Judaism or the Jewish "race" to all that is abstract in the capital, which seems scary and threatening to modernity, to give a tangible form. They need a very specific, generally known as "personality" to focus the hatred can be: an individual who personifies in the paranoid imagination all that the Jews are foisted in general, in the literal sense. No coincidence that the "documentary" about the Wandering Jew and the "film" over Jud were fresh rotated simultaneously: the conspiracy must remain elusive in the anonymous mass of Judaism and also in the individual person within reach are, they also demanded to the idea of the machinations of a mysterious dark-Israel lobby, as under the current media in the face of Ignatz Bubis, or Ariel Sharon. Only then can the anger it to yourself to prove that they are in any case the death of the Jews, each with individual apart.
The Alps Danube Nazis now have "chosen" to this end, Simone Dinah Hartmann. They speak of "propaganda against Iran," which they are to their own to organize against the Jews: "To all mongers especially the troubled, Jewish anti-German Simone Dinah Hartmann, with their alliance. Stop the Bomb" It's not enough of the "Israel lobby" and signed by the "propaganda campaign" of the USA, is with the sure instinct of a baiting crowd track down a person as the spokesperson for a campaign for sanctions reached with Iran to the threshold of a certain media, public, about which one would like to come themselves. How is content in the anti-Semitic joke, not the hatred of the person's name, and he aims directly at the physical aspect: it must be their voice be heard, it must be her her photo, and underneath it says: "The eyes are the mirror of the soul." But even the hairs of those attacked, particular attention is given to how to express that we all use to know when the time is that time again.
Neo-Nazis are something like the abridged consciousness that this society has of itself. Therefore, the Bizarre: The reduction, first, the individual Development, the "rule of infantile complexes" (Freud). From the jargon of the habitus and the attributes to the design of Sites: The impression they make is always the one to infantilism damned forever faced with the threat that they would he "take expensive organ" that if it be " pressed interest in it too much. " Under the influence of their own unconscious threat of castration fear, despise and hate the Jews, which they imagine themselves as obsessed as unmanly men and particularly lust. Is the Jew chosen as the object of projection, are magnified by the "sexual Tirolertum" (Karl Kraus), the fear of sexual autonomy of women, or the paranoia. Direct insight in this frame of mind given the drawing of the ever-popular cartoonist Carlos Latuff, from the Alps Danube Nazis, as in a Freudian slip, was placed at the end of their hate sermon: A Palestinian in the Gaza Strip, which obviously after a rocket attack by the Israelis with blood-stained pants a dead child in the arm holds, but so low he keeps the child, so that only the unconscious association with the sexual organ is not inevitable.
The Alps Danube Nazis like flirting with their danger, but that did something desperate because they know that the society in which they live, they refused proper, grown-Nazis to be that they are therefore condemned to remain childish. They are so threatening to the individual, the chance encounter them - they remain only a violent reminder of the post-Nazi subject, one in particular zones locked and fenced, recent form of violence. That is why the longing look in the other large room, to the suicide bombers and the suicide collectives of the Middle East. But instead of explosives rods with the Alps Danube Nazi only a flag pole (see the logo of the "Alpen-Donau-Info") or simply beer cans around with them, rather than the prospect of a nuclear bomb, which is aimed at Israel, he has the prospect of individual threatening Jews, and finally perhaps to a post at the Freedom College. should the Chairman wishes not only observers from Iran, the party, as suspected at a conference in Washington ( Népszabadság ,: even in nearby Hungary, on Jobbik -Nazis, accept the solidarity with Ahmadinejad practical forms 20/11/2009, and we thank Karl Pfeifer for the hint) to get money from there, and it is forming a "Hungarian Guard", where you do not know if it has more the old Arrow Cross or the Iranian Pasdaran a model .
Either way, their isolation and in their connectivity, The neo-Nazis are a kind of concave mirror of the whole: They not only expressed where this company is, but also - where she is driving - in an intimate union with the far left: Built on the mass murder of Jews, threatening appeasement and indifference to the Jihadist forces that want to repeat this crime in new forms, at any time to turn into open support.
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