Friday, March 4, 2011
Blood Lines Tanya Huff
Mellrichstadt (radio-and-fensehen) - The "Channel autorinamstadt" is the poet Sylvia Amstadt from Mellrichstadt in Bavaria on the video sharing "YouTube" represented. The reading, hearing and must-see video of the young poet is at the address found on the Internet. know more about Sylvia Amstadt and their works will, which is their website highly recommended.
And that says Sylvia Amstadt about:
I am writer with heart and mind. I write poetry and lyrics. My main issues here are our society and the Current events. My first book
Capital Wor (l) ds: Society appeared limited hope
in August 2009 when novelty per publisher.
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In the "Favorites" in my videos you'll find the music that accompanies me while writing ...
I wish you much fun on my channel!
My Website:
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Compliant About Allowances Letters
My personal focus is fantasy enthusiast Casual players with a penchant for epic stories and exploring a world. Fight for me is actually rather trivial but it should of course run properly. But I prefer adult look, but I'm also Asian-style exaggerated not averse. Look especially at comic western or childhood, I am however not so.
That said, what MMORPGs in recent years, practically from the World of Warcraft era, I liked the best?
First Guild Wars (GW) , not only because of the lack of monthly charges. I am also disrupt hose Levels and instances are not. Therefore offers Guild Wars namely as an offline RPG, a continuous story (even four if you count the add-ons). The world is changing, thanks in part instantiation, which is nice. You can own or in group games, which is both important to me. When I'm alone, I am there with heroes or Henchmen. The graphics were great and the time is still considerable. The combat system is extremely tactical. You do not get fireball rank 1 and then Level 2 and then Level 3 ... Skills you get, the more powerful when you rise in the level. Because you just can take these skills can lead to great combo chains, build on each other. Here You can toss properly. There is no game with a more balanced PvP. Who wants to play PvP, comes to GW actually not over! And I say this as someone who almost exclusively PvE. What one has is not dependent on the random encounter other players anywhere, while running around in the world. Because of the story missions you can not immediately everywhere but the regions must be met by missions to unlock the first, which also do not like anybody. Nevertheless, convinced by the overall package.
Then there's Age of Conan (AoC) . This franchise is not such as sucking as Lord of the Rings or Star Wars , I usually do in these MMOs is not completely pre-digested worlds. Conan offers enough space to be autonomous, in spite of issue. And the dirty, adult and realistic look, combined with the best graphics still does his future in the genre. I think for role players AoC is the best title, is still far from a Lord of the Rings Online . The combat system is mature not just as the Guild Wars in but to look a nice break from the MMO All sorts, where you press one after just 1-0 without ever. In addition, AoC also offers a real storyline and level 20 several different areas Twinks not to pull on always the same means.
Aion I see on a level with Rift , but it is independent because of his lineage roots. I liked the graphic style and the possibilities of character creation. Otherwise Aion a prime example of a standard MMORPG in terms of service and facilities. I have it but only played in the Korean and German beta. Similar Rift me the concept was too boring to shell out for it to still voluntarily monthly fees. If I want to gamble that 8.15 standard MMO Krams, then I doubt sometimes to a "Free To Play (F2P) dodge title. Recommended here, I feel currently Requiem Bloodymare (by the way has a similar style as Rift only hold or adult), Aika Online and also the good old Rappelz . But Lord of the Rings is every now and then gamble for a few days well. Alternatively, I can in such a case, sometimes an account of my pay-MMOs for a month or so reactivate. Such was for me when I Rift preview just in the foreground, why should I buy it, what it offers me new? And there was just nothing, unfortunately.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Hemroids During Menstrual Cycle
The graphics are quite incredible and State of the Art atmospheric, with great shadows. The water, including the waterfall, but hopefully still a placeholder, which already saw in Morrowind from already almost better.
The music, however, is absolutely outrageous - absolute goose bumps Guarantee!
The Nordic Setting and stands out like a welcome change from the fantasy pabulum.
Skyrim could thus be age 2 or The Witcher 2 the role-play event of the year actually before Dragon.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Dizziness And Nausea For A Week
little late this time the update of the full versions of current games magazines. Finally, this month again eingetrudelt all environments and, as much is revealed, again some surprises - positive or negative!
First the negatives. The Game Star offers the probably the first time in its history in the standard output NO (!!!) full version. At least, not true. Plan are Tales of Monkey Iceland Episode 1 (free to download at Telltale itself) and King of Kings 3 , a rather below average Free to Play MMORPG. Only on the XL DVD is found again an adventure of DTP. The energetic boys (and girls) from Hamburg, the GS have the bad but not this time in the mass of good title somewhat sunken Overclocked provided. Who collects Adventures and it still has not, the strike could consider this, if one does not always get cheaper in a grab bag.
The PC Games stiffens this month (again) to re-use, that could be found in the past on games magazines. Two very good, respectively, good games for player development and strategists. First, as a highlight Heroes of Might & Magic 5 , a truly wonderful game, whoever it still has not and has only a little soft spot for fantasy-based strategy, which was accessed last. And then there also Roman Empire can be found on the disc. Not About Pops, but nice to have.
The languishing PC Action has a heart for fantasy friends. With Knights of the Temple , an action-packed hack- Slay with "RPG feel" in 3D from the 3rd-person perspective from the year 2004 by Starbreeze Studios, who had earlier made a name with the Enclave and then with top-notch games like Chronicles of Riddick and The Darkness and successor among players were famous. Graphically was Knights of the Temple then great, now, seven years later, it looks right, of course, "poor" from.
The first two Elder Scrolls games are now freeware.
For nostalgia fans, the PC role-playing and action packed year of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim nor the two first-fruits of the series, Arena and Daggerfall with it. They are free for years and you can download it, you still at the following links:
http: / /
this month when I had the choice, I'd probably reach for PC action. Knights of the Temple is then somehow passed me, but I just do not know if it was not already somewhere on it and long in my "archive" (ie magazine Anno thin mountain time) rotting in front of him. Otherwise, this month has again expressed mau. Annoying especially the new trend to sell free games as full version.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Buy White Vinegar In Bulk
even more than all the dishes to cook or to create great cakes, I love to make delicious snacks. Baked goods like muffins or cookies, you may be fine by the way put in the mouth or you can take for a social evening. Therefore, I have a few years ago the so-called "Knabberwichteln" competition of, while also a serving of this treat and, fortunately, also get the recipe: Prussien salés .
things are very inconspicuous: Schweineöhrchen halt. But the kicker is that these mundane acts Happen with sugar and salt can be prepared (preferably fleur de sel) and doing a very special taste (and a high Addictive) was obtained.
I sometimes say: Bake!
Prussien Salés
Ingredients: 1 roll
pastry from the refrigerator (not to TK)
2 tablespoons sugar 2
good salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon good salt
(preferably fleur de sel)
The puff pastry from the refrigerator will be delivered on a baking paper. The role unwrap and roll out on a large chopping board.
2 tablespoons sugar and 2 Pr salt in a small bowl and sprinkle on the pastry completely. If necessary, use the paper towel once it roll.
The dough is now we follow folded: folded from the long side, two plays inside, on top of the baking paper for this company for help. Regular certainly know the cook from my pesto Schweineöhrchen .
In a small bowl 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon good salt (sea salt or even fleur de sel) mix and next set. Preheat the oven to 220 ° C are.
the puff pastry roll moisten with water and cut small pieces, about as thick as your little finger. The pieces all around in the sugar-salt mixture and roll put a little distance on a baking sheet.
Ca. 12 minutes at 220 ° C bake. Since everyone reacts differently oven, after about 10 min. times to see if the "ears" are a little bit brown. Alternatively, you can
min after about 6. the Prussien Salés turning once.
light to cool and serve. The creator of the recipe she recommends to wine and cheese, we do not even survive the things cooling down and thus in most cases not even leave the kitchen:)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Do You Have A Morganite Ring
Unfortunately, not much time, but here's a video that I absolutely with you have to share! :)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Itching On Ankles And Wrists
It was the hit of Christmas 2010 - Duck Sauce "Barbra Streisand".
basically nothing but the melody of Night Trains "Hello little train" (a video is available as at Down at the harbor ), which was already by Boney M. gecovert successful, and atop said a male voice: "Barbra Streisand" . Little work and lots of success - The formula for earning money:) Now
resourceful jokers on the front page of every one to push themselves creatively. On the little train-tune the user can choose a word that instead of "Barbra Streisand" is spoken in the song. Choose from 6 languages and many different voices. I 've just started to play and the North German classic " Moppelkotze " timer. Clicking on the picture below you hear the result.
Wers times will even try, just click on the new page to "Customize your own" Barbra Streisand "Song". Have fun!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
How Many Days Can You Tan After Brazilian Wax?
Wiesbaden (radio, television and radio) - Whether the weekly blockbuster, every Sunday, or the crime scene the night-time broadcast controversial document, the transmission times of the television stations are often not compatible with your own rhythm of life. Leisure or sleep need push the TV experience is often "a stop to." VCR create this dilemma now for several decades remedy. The times of the analog VHS tape, however, are already long gone. DVD and hard disk recorders have replaced the conventional technique, however, pose another problem in itself, because this recording devices are becoming the increasingly rapid technological progress and thus become obsolete very quickly.
online video recorder as an alternative
Who does not want to constantly purchasing new and expensive place, for several years in online video recorders, a welcome alternative. The provider of self-care this is the currency of technology and recording formats. Also provide the operator clear and well-structured electronic TV guide that help create the images can be quickly and easily. The recordings can download the user whenever he wants. Thus are not free online video recorder for the motto: "Be your own program director. miss TV shows was yesterday! "
to the various providers of online video recorders There are many comparison sites on the Internet, such as . These take a closer look at several providers. In the selection of the provider should Interested note in particular the following three criteria:
- Channel number
- capacity
- can record quality
The current industry leader Save.TV points in all the selection criteria and currently offers 46 channels, on demand unlimited recording quality and a recording format on the DVD quality is. Other prominent vendors are BONG TV and Shift.TV. Both services could, in terms of features, not quite compete with Save.TV. Each of the vendors mentioned here provides interested parties who want to convince yourself the opportunity to free product testing.
Related links:
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Had Flu Now Continuous Sore Throat
"We're not in Azeroth anymore!" With this challenge to World of Warcraft (WoW) advertises in March seemingly brand-new massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) from " Trion Worlds "for attention. It bears the significant title Rift and the American developer promises a lot, finally there is the Development team of many experienced minds who have already worked with other great titles. In addition, even the "ridiculously low" budget was $ 50,000,000 of allegedly available. So what can go wrong? To put it straight to the point, actually not much, but that "fail" even big names like Lord of the Rings Online or Dungeon & Dragons can proved the past. The probability of long-term to keep up with the better-known titles is still great. Compete with WoW, but to do - to say the least - an illusion.
was after a completely unspectacular year in 2010, also last time again at the time that dared to be a major new online role-playing into the open. Aion already appeared in September 2009 and Warhammer Online even a year earlier, in September 2008. Since then, absolute calm prevails in the (Fantasy) MMO area ( atrocities such as Star Trek Online times excepted). I now had the opportunity to stay in the open beta, a few hours in the game, and first impressions collected. These are so much should be warned, purely subjective, and come from the first ten to twelve hours of play, not enough for an MMO to assess the full extent but also long enough to concluding an experienced player has a Conclusion to come. I have in the past few years, after all, almost all the major MMORPGs at least alluded to once, and some have many, many months and years always gambled extensively and besides additionally many, the principle first free "Free 2 Play" (F2) may contain wrest much good , train my one, then, to assess such a game completely without bias, and compare. But tastes are different, so this is where my personal and completely biased first impression, because Rift has powerful competitors and the expectations are accordingly high. The
regardless what it is in Rift at all? Reins of leadership of the destroyers and destroyer of worlds, was banished from the so-called guard from Telara . Protection against him over time but a bit "full of holes" become so there are always cracks, the eponymous Rift penetrate the monsters in the world. As a player, one can choose between two factions, the guardians who believe and be born again by the will of the gods skeptics who want to shape their own destiny magic and technology. Of course, both factions are fiercely hostile, so enough room for a full player versus player (PvP) should be offered (according to statement other beta players the PvP part is still not really Dolls). The back story the way you can check off again, it plays at least in the first hours of playing effectively just does not matter.
It starts as usual in the genre with character creation. This offers the usual fantasy standards, namely, humans, elves and dwarves, that's it. In this way, the skeptics-elves some alien race called Na'vi from the movie Avatar look strikingly similar. Evil to him who thinks evil of it. The settings in the character editor appear one by one from was Age of Conan (AoC) taken to be achieved, but not quite its size. Where noted, is that in AoC only one race, the people are. A comparison with the incredibly diverse possibilities of a Aion need Rift do not even try it. After all, is more possible than in this Spartan discipline, unfortunately, very top of the class WoW .
After the "resurrection" as an adult, the player will immediately thrown into the action. The task is to be specifically chosen one warrior, rogue, priest or magician to save the world and to help them after the cut of their own Group to redesign. Remember to be from the story as any event mentioned unfortunately, first anything, as in any other MMO, the motto is: first: kill x monster and bring me number Y of item Z. As a reward you get in addition to the obligatory experience points, money and clothing first two subclasses, each of which there are eight different class and you have to choose three. Thus, the magician, for example, Elementalist, Necromancer and Warlock at the same time. A mutated villain as for Ranger Assassin Bard. The combination possibilities are endless, whether they make sense together, that you have to try it himself. The player should also consider here exactly which and how many of the precious attribute points he wants to invest in the skills tree, which can be quite tricky. While, therefore, slowly working through the Startmap, hard-working monsters and beat up this boy celebrating his first quest level rises will moderate foolishly offered nothing to offer not even F2P title for years. There is absolute uniformity. And did I mention that is felt after five minutes, even from the actual story any more? Logic One looks in vain for any event. As the chosen, in a kind of extra factory (Cleric) or die (Guardian) created fighter for my group and last hope for survival the world I'm not dressed up by my people full in order to survive in the struggle against evil, but should help some farmers about to beat up annoying pig? No, the story was real, no matter how complex they will ultimately be knitted together in a hurry.
case holds a whim at first but the pretty graphics. The developers of the decrepit "Gamebryo engine (Oblivion , Warhammer Online ) got something tickled out. Technically can Rift "even" a Lord of the Rings Online (published in April 2007, ie nearly four years ago) well behind, a Age of Conan (Release was May 2008) but unfortunately it is far from being ran, even if it is technically at first glance in many textures and effects quite similar acts. Stylistically Rift kupfert but at World of Warcraft from . By traveling around the country I had more than once, the feeling just to traipse through Azeroth but if it also in a very nice version. But the towns or outposts act in Rift unfortunately quite small. Even the castle Meridian (quasi capital) of the clergy is tiny compared to other MMOs and I rather common in the form of F2P titles. Whether there with more to come, unfortunately I can not say in that regard I was certainly disappointed. Flops is actually a key word, I felt that my character steals as a lame duck the world and was sometimes not as smooth "the curve". This should be "Trion Worlds" maybe a little fine-tune the controller. After all, are very interesting early-designed mounts available, if you have enough cash in your pocket.
Now we come to the other little things. Many documents are still suffering under a wild mishmash language, which may change until the publication of yet. The interface offers familiar online role-playing standard, there's nothing to . Grumble The Rift particularly aimed at bored WoW gamer you notice the latest on the items, in addition to the design of clothing and armor, even the color coding is the same: gray, white, green, blue and purple. The craft I have not tried, but seemed in the standing around Non Player Characters (NPCs) also fly over the usual standard fare to meet in role-plays. Nice if you get into the territory of a rift, you'll automatically includes a "Public Group" and can help to repel the hordes of monsters and to close the crack. In fact, the rift is a cool idea, but when they calculated the current Questort arise, which often happens, not enough players on the ground, then you die faster than one can be dear. Next quest is then, of course. When I have about once more enemies for battle group placed directly at the resurrection shrine, so I had to wait in spirit form, until other players had arrived and had cleaned up a bit. Speaking of recovery, which is also borrowed exactly from the famous Blizzard game.
On the servers I used it was during beta testing right to load slowly, it was not nearly full, which was also the game play, given that the individual types of enemies respawn rate fluctuated by: "Help, too soon, but am still half dead" to "when the cattle appeared again at last?" Her game designers should finally begin to make the Mobquote dependent from those in the respective area resident players. For if you stand with a quarter of the empty energy bar or on the edge of a group, and the opponent just been killed almost instantly re-appears this is annoying. For flight can forget Unfortunately, the monsters follow you the cows come home and take a run after the Health and continuously from that death is inevitable, the player has no chance. These involuntary death have annoyed me more than once.
The beta still suffered occasionally some small bugs in the graphics display, even once, my mouse pointer changed permanently in the cross the Rumschieben so I could click on anything more. But that was fortunately already. The music and the sound effects I can say that they are not struck me, what is neither good nor bad.
Who is Rift and I will play it on? In fact, similar Rift the class leader WoW more than any other MMO. In particular WoW players will feel right at home so quickly. Who your new emphasis on good graphics and the choice between WoW and has Rift , should therefore look at the new title certainly times. Quantitatively, the newcomer is not, however, even for a while can use the huge top dog and his now three addons ( Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm ) keep up. But the introduction for novice MMO is easier because there are many tips, where the "Classic" WoW time to find out more or even most of other gamers had to ask. Playful is my personally recommended in Rift too little innovation. Good graphics alone not enough for me as well because it only extends to second place. After more than six years MMORPG gamers I expect a new game, something Fresh, unique. Age of Conan this offered, among other things with his combat system, Aion with the PvP. As the unofficial predecessor Warhammer Online Rift fails here ( Warhammer had then as the Rift Graphic been good, the comic look was just too similar to WoW ). Also, I am basically in Rift just kinda too much like a "World of Warcraft Light" and not as a stand-alone game that have Age of Conan , Aion or Lord of the Rings Online far better attempt it, and retains a great deal of independence. I would hope something really new in 2011 is still so hot Tera , get this, an action-heavy gameplay of fresh air to the genre and break the monotony vermiefte. And should a Guild Wars 2 then appear at some point, this at least has the advantage that it saves the monthly subscription fees.
Please do not misunderstand, Rift is a great game that actually makes it right. However, it is unfortunately just one thing: unique!
My collected screenshots of Rift can be admired in the following web album: Rift Screenshots
to enlarge just click the top right of the magnifying glass. The screens are in the 1600x1050 resolution and were made at maximum graphics settings.
Monday, February 7, 2011
How To Add Value To Gift Cards
If there is a website which I just do without difficulty could be (so next Facebook) then it would . There I get my tips, inspirations, recipes, and am actually more in almost every visit. Of course there are some point his favorites among the hard-working Rezepteveröffentlichern, people who where you just blindly almost everything would cook.
On Friday it was time again: The "potato - Cappuccino with bacon and Knusperstange" of "bush cook" was already so long on the waiting list and was a perfect fit, as one of the guests had a few problems with the stomach, so should not eat spicy. During the cooking process, I then but now and then modified slightly, so here's my version.

Here are the ingredients:
For the soup:
800 g potatoes (floury)
1 small onion 100 g bacon, chopped
oil (I took canola oil) flavor
400 ml vegetable stock
400 ml milk
200 ml cream
To: salt, pepper (black ground pepper), 2 pinches of nutmeg
For decoration:
parsley, chopped
1 tablespoon sour cream per glass ( Alternatively, whipped cream)
Serve with 2 slices
Oversized puff pastry (frozen)
4 disc / s Speck, Alto Adige
The onions are finely chopped and fried in a large pot with a glassy oil. The potatoes are diced before also, and together with the bacon cubes (you can also chop 100g bacon, I was just too lazy * g *) was added to the onions. Slightly brown.
turn down the heat, give vegetable stock, milk and cream and season to taste with salt and pepper. Lid on and 25 minutes. cook. With a hand blender puree
the soup as finely as possible. Alternatively, of course, the potato masher can be used, but I would dice the bacon but remove before. Season with nutmeg, pepper possibly again. Because of the Bacon careful with extra salt! produce
Meanwhile, the side order
The Maxi-puff leaves into four long strips. Cut along the South Tyrolean Speck (Bacon who shall, should, as it can as it is) and wrap a piece of puff pastry around. Then the puff-bacon-bar in a little twist.
Place on a baking sheet and minutes at 200 ° C top and bottom heat in the oven for about 15 minutes. bake.
I have taken large glasses, fill them as much as desired, provided with a dollop of sour cream (alternatively, whipped cream) and sprinkle with the herbs. Place on a plate and serve with puff pastry sticks.
Bon appetit!
is the original recipe used as a topping whipped cream (so it looks like a stop Cappu) we found the taste a little "bland." Therefore, the version with the sour cream. Who just for the look, but no further taste like, you can also use milk foam!
The original recipe is still 150 g finely diced bacon, fried and sprinkled over the soup. But we wanted to enjoy the creamy soup and do not chew on something.
The soup can eat great even the next day. But then a little broth or milk (100 ml) kept ready, we had the soup has become a little syrupy.
With this recipe I would like to participate at the same time Heunis Blog Parade! :)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Put Your Head In Haircuts
February is just around the corner and this week released the latest game magazines already. For role-players this time is again a little gem here, more on that later.
First came the 15-year anniversary of the PC action to coincide has so much loss of readers that the magazine is withdrawn from the IVW and do not report their currently more than 20,000 readers in just under a downward trend will continue. Let's see how long has the magazine yet? The full version Tomb Raider Anniversary is an absolute top game, but that was unfortunately even with all the other magazines on it and therefore unlikely to encourage the purchase of the magazine.
The Game Star packed to its normal output, the Adventure Undercover: Operation Wintersun . I had a few years ago for free from DTP get to test it but then never played, because I'm the second serious World War II setting not addressed. There are basically in the game but nothing to complain about, actually it's even an ingenious VV, because it has probably bought a little and so the opportunity is to catch this gem.
on the XL Star Game DVD packs the two games: Spy Hunter: Nowhere to run a right to completely forgotten with the action game is now the "actors" mutated Wrestling star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Here, I even had to look up the first time what that was for a pickle, remember the game I could with the best will not - I think this says it all ... Then there is the classic adventure Black Mirror . He was actually already on it almost five years (!) already as VV on the Star Game. It makes the game not bad, but unfortunately the graphics look because of the low 800x600 pixel points is no longer just beautiful.
My magazine full version highlight of the month comes this time from the PC games. For the first time in magazine and, moreover, an absolute top title, the action RPG Titan Quest .
certainly interesting for me personally, as I previously could not bring myself to buy the game, after rival Loki for me had proved to be an absolute flop purchase. Age also scares me somewhat now, but the title is certainly still absolutely worth playing and, once Diablo series as the best action-RPG. Unfortunately, it is probably not the Gold version, I guess the addon is subsequently confirmed in a future issue, or alternatively, then someday soon be on the computer screen games ... There
More info about it in my thread in the forum Scharesoft:
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Built In Cam Not Found On Oovoo
spin-offs for the final Fantasy games there are numerous. Direct successor, which incorporated the source of action and further led so far only once in part X. Recently it was announced that the controversial XIII. Part of its own, very official continuation model is treated. Even a first (short) English Trailer is already available:
Since the first PS2 Final Fantasy is and remains the controversial series. Guidance on the tale of an epic story and the presentation may not always absolutely terrific all because appears to decline by an ever easier to handle the complexity (and difficulty). Also argues the spirits of the look. Some prefer more cuddly characters like in VII and IX, others like I like it a bit more adult like in VIII and X. Undeniably well-Part XII is a low point the series, with the setting and the hectic battle system is both factions could not make friends so real. Those who wanted to experience a fantastic adventure and narrated the actual "games" rather than sideline saw who loved XIII. Episode, however, all who hoped for a large open world to explore hated the game because of its tubular levels.
way: X-2, I believe is better than its reputation and meets the then prevailing Zeitgeist excellent, so I'm curious what XIII-2 will have to offer new products.
Words To Patty Cake Nursery Rhyme
yes it is a lot of role playing at all possible Systems through which it would be worthwhile to write. Now I want to focus my blog on the specific cases on which one comes anyway once on each game page and proceed naturally gorgeous subjective here.
since the Super Nintendo blissful hours there on the stationary Nintendo hardware, however, hardly RPGs. Neither the N64 nor on the Gamecube there is anything outstanding (with the exception of Tales of Symphonia on the Cube, one of the better Tales of ... title) and on the Wii so far from the thing looked even worse. Until now! But in a few days at 27 January appears to The last story an impressive weight of Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi and his company Mistwalker, which had previously distinguished by titles such as Blue Dragon (XBox 360), which with the typical character design of Akira Toriyama ( Dragon Ball ) shone as well with Lost Odyssey (also exclusively XBox 360). The special thing about it is The last story will appear for the Nintendo Wii and is presented by Japanese standards (and Nintendo's ...) with a very adult design. Already the first announcements craze and the starving Nintendo role-players cheered off on the Nintendo DS. So poured it is the fans like a cold shower when it was announced that a release outside of Japan was planned. The forums overflowed with indignation Threads and an online petition was started ( / TLSWR / petition.html ).
fact would be a The last story a refreshing new publication for many used exclusively as a party console Wii, which is known to be lacking somewhat demanding titles. Technically, the game is at its highest level and exceeds as the classic Playstation 2 role-playing, but of course can not keep up with the latest PS3 or XBox360 sizes presented on the Wii but unique. The largest Japanese games magazine Famitsu gave one of his highest scores: 38 of 40 (10, 10, 9, 9), it is to expect that everything is right and content in this game. A good idea of the graphics and the playful possibilities are the following video:
The last story seems once again a role play with traditional virtues and varied ways to, for example, at character development. Hopefully, it still finds its way into the West, and Nintendo does not drive the same track as blessed to 16 bit times when the fans in this country had on hits like Final Fantasy VI waive or Chrono Trigger because a translation or PAL conversion would not have paid said. After all, even put small publishers like Atlus ( Shin Megami Tensei series) or Falcom ( Y's series), many of their games at least with subtitles overseas.
Friday, January 7, 2011
35 Weeks Pregnant And Back Pain
Wiesbaden (radio and television) - Music is the key for many Internet TV stations in Germany, other European countries and the rest of the world. Below is a selection of Internet TV channels with music video clips
Africa Music TV
Beat One TV - music & more
Clip TV
Dee Jay (Italienischer Musiksender)
Deluxe Music TV
Gute-Laune TV
Inet-TV (music videos)
Jamba TV
Motor TV (music channels)
Mozart22 (excerpts from operas of the Salzburg Festival)
Musical TV
http://www .
music world (weblog about music with video clips)
Mixery Raw
http://www.mixeryrawdeluxe. tv
nexus live
RockLabel.TV (Music Videos, Konzertmitschnitte, Band-Interviews)
Rock Me TV
rock television
Streetclip TV . html
sunvibz., TV
Tune Spoon. TV (Online Musikfernsehen)
VIVA TV (Music)
sugar cubes (Music)
http:/ /
Yahoo! music
video portals (some with music video clips):
Clip Fish
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Stockpile Measuring Device
Zwickau (radio and television) - Due to the positive development of the project "hit" under the direction of the company "Media Service Loh" it has been found to be necessary for the future, the transmitter in a new legal framework to . position For this was the Managing Director Jana Loh and founded the previous project manager Heiko Richter, the hit-TV Broadcast Europe GbR "with a 50 percent share. This company handles all with "initiated and ongoing business operations and the entire channel structure. Similarly, all in connection with "taking place in economic activities this ingrained. The company is based on the recent broadcast center Lichtentanne OT Stenn. Here are, in addition to a scalable Internet access, sufficient reserves for future geographic expansion plans available. Jana Loh is responsible as head of all business and personnel matters. Heiko Richter is the director of programming, engineering and development. With the formation of this society is an important step for the further increase in the presence of "" has been carried out - - is an Internet television provider who regularly since September 2006 in full TV resolution, from January 2008 and 23 channels in HD on contributions and provides free broadcasts very successful. Currently has "hit" an average growth of viewers from 10 to 30 percent over the same month last year.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
New Ways Of Male Masterbation 2010
Munich (radio and TV) - "Talk at the Tavern" - - means a satirical audio broadcast of the authors Christoph Stelzner (a native of Chemnitz) and Martin Bauer from Munich. Both come into this audio broadcast alternately as moderator Gisbert Knock and tungsten on Brechtel. Every two weeks is a new podcast episode. The guests, often characterized by strange or peculiar characteristics of professions will also be played by Martin Bauer and Christoph Stelzner. Stelzner and farmers have been working together as a duo in their end-1990. "Talk at the Tavern" is in response to the talk-mania in the German media scene. Good discussions take time, say the authors Bauer and Stelzner.
Pomeranian Skin Turning Black
Zurich (radio and TV) - Thanks to "Zattoo" the screen of the computer or notebook to a comfortable yet free TV. This is very simple: After successful registration at the Internet address can enjoy a total of 67 German-language television station. The resolution is 416 x 352 pixels. Those who still want to have better, a fee, discount HiQ select membership for 1 month for 3 months or 12 months. Then there is no annoying advertising more before the start and a better resolution of 576 x 528 pixels. Of course you need to "watch online" is a good Internet connection.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
What Is The Least Busiest Dmv In Los Angeles
Zurich (radio, television and radio) - Internet TV pioneer - watch online - the recording of TV makes it so thoroughly, and the retrieval and playback easier than ever. Thus, every Swiss watch online users take up the entire TV program of an entire month and not miss any more shipments. The one-month test is free.
The recording offers Zattoo is unique, hence the special name: Recall is a play on words in English to "take all" and "remember". Beat Knecht, founder of Zattoo, explains the customer benefits of Recall: "With Recall proves Zattoo technical lead and is recording on its head: Instead of the user to program recording each difficulty must, once he presses "Recall" and records the complete TV program of the next 30 days. Then come together each month a lot of movies, series and other interesting content that will be using the electronic program guide or the search simple. "
To participate, users need to watch online-start the service first, because he does not run on stocks. Legally, does recall how a room full of video recorders to be launched once per station and then take up with an endless belt. The recorded content can be played back immediately or stored in a list of favorite programs after insertion of an advertisement. After 30 days, these recordings for free users no longer visible, while keeping the subscribers to the premium service Zattoo "HiQ" their favorite programs, as long as the HiQ subscription runs. HiQ users had come as quickly to the target and immediately view the content without biased channel-change advertising. The price for HiQ of 6.60 CHF per month or 45 CHF per year remains unchanged.
According to Nick Brambring, since 1 December 2010 CEO of Zattoo, the step of recording for Zattoo is strategically important: "With the recall, we offer the rich, timely and exciting TV content not only to the original air time but at any user-selected time. This is our basic response to the customer for on-demand television. "
About Zattoo Zattoo
has the World Cup 2006, the first free live TV to be related to the PC. For the 2010 World Cup, the first free live TV service was followed for the iPhone. Zattoo is live TV is the largest provider in Europe, and along with that of Switzerland in five European countries present. TV stations such as RTL and SF are received and transmitted live via satellite and via the same Internet Protocol. Since December 2010 watch online also offers recording.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Crypt Zpack Gen Avira Removal
You need: a hacker conference and a rather pissed-off hackers, which was about 2 years ago, the computer stolen. The result is a very amusing talk on how just found this hacker, thanks be played or programs not only be set and the current owners, but also still the same its complete (Internet) life spying on - and the inclined hacker community "to be devoured accused."
As of 4 / 5 Minutes is really going on, it is worthwhile for all computer enthusiasts to view the video completely. Even if you have to consider playing the topics such as data protection in the U.S. is only a minor role ...