Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Ways Of Male Masterbation 2010

satirical audio broadcast" Talk at the Tavern "

Munich (radio and TV) - "Talk at the Tavern" - - means a satirical audio broadcast of the authors Christoph Stelzner (a native of Chemnitz) and Martin Bauer from Munich. Both come into this audio broadcast alternately as moderator Gisbert Knock and tungsten on Brechtel. Every two weeks is a new podcast episode. The guests, often characterized by strange or peculiar characteristics of professions will also be played by Martin Bauer and Christoph Stelzner. Stelzner and farmers have been working together as a duo in their end-1990. "Talk at the Tavern" is in response to the talk-mania in the German media scene. Good discussions take time, say the authors Bauer and Stelzner.


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