have announced that the U.S. actually fighting jihadism?
"We are at war, we are at war against al-Qaeda," Barack Obama said in January this year. How could this happen? When will this war may have begun? Has already handed over a declaration of war? So far Obama and his people had told a different story. They banished not just the name war on terror , but even the word "terrorist" from their vocabulary: As Obama's new homeland security secretary, Janet Napolitano held in March 2009 before the Congress her inaugural speech, she used instead paraphrase man-caused disaster . Terrorism is therefore a "man-made disaster," like an accident at a chemical factory. Whether it is Islamic terrorism is no longer a threat because she was asked in an interview. However, Napolitano said, this linguistic "nuance" but should demonstrate that the new government "move away from politics of fear" of the wool.
Whether this also al-Qaeda will move to disengage from the politics of fear and instead rely on demeanor? As for the attitude towards the Jihadist movement and the Jihadist states, the first year of the term of President Obama was even worse than was feared. In June he gave a speech in Cairo, as a "stretching his hand toward the Islamic world" (read: the prevailing tyrant had been announced). In it, he charged the murder of European Jews with the "suffering" of the "Palestinian people", now would last even 60 years. He forgot the fact that the "Palestinian people" are suffering is their own fault and in 1948 (and after) and it could decide to live in peace with Israel.
was probably the worst part of his speech, but that "the Palestinians must give up violence. Resistance to violence and killing is wrong and has no success. For centuries, the blacks in America as slaves suffered the whip and the humiliation of segregation. But not by force, they have won full and equal rights "in other words. Obama likened Israel to a slave holder and the Palestinians to the slaves. Not the goal of Hamas and Fatah - the destruction of the Jewish state and the killing of Jews - he said is wrong, but only the items for them instruments. You tried to get rid of the Jews violent seemed to be Obama's message to the Arabs.
The idea that the U.S. dominated in the Declaration of Independence as "inalienable", the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in Islam Countries should apply, has been vilified by the U.S. President: "We can not disguise the hostility to any religion on the pretext (sic) of liberalism." Two weeks later it arrived in Iran to mass demonstrations against the government, which began as expressions of resentment against election fraud and became a movement against the dictatorship Khamenei. were bloodily Even as the protests, Obama largely avoided criticism - probably for fear that one could suspect him of liberalism. In a way, he legitimized the Iranian people from the Tehran regime hated by him in the following months and over again "negotiations" on its nuclear missile program was offered. It was Khamenei, as he gave Ahmadinejad a second term, long since made clear that he had no desire to negotiate. Had it been the point for a compromise, he would have another candidate win the elections.
What is Obama's behavior be explained? He follows in terms of the perception of the Middle East, the specifications that make the orientalists. They sing again the song of those from whom they get their bread, and sit in the Persian Gulf. After the oil crisis of 1973 had the Sheikhs lot of money, but in the U.S. a bad name. As it worked out well that the academic institutions in the United States, where Oriental was informed, had little money (because they did not seem particularly useful to be) and the wealthy Arab states anpumpten for financial support - with the selling point that the Oriental would improve the reputation of the Islamic police states in the U.S.. Just as it came. Since the Higher Education has a strong influence on the media and politics, it is not surprising that many face the there for the Near and Middle East leaders to jihadism indifferent or even sympathy. Since the terror emanating from Islamic countries by the attacks of 11 September is caught in the spotlight, they spread distraction theories to hide the jihadism.
One of the most abstruse theories about the causes of Al Qaeda terrorism, said that Israel is to blame, it treats Arabs badly. The United States would in turn attacked by al-Qaida, because they supported Israel. Without Israel, there would have been the 11 September, where not, and the United States would also lead a war against terror. This theory, which is about the American political scientists, Mearsheimer and Walt, in their book The Israel Lobby represented, amounts that the U.S. could the Jihadist terror to an end, by sacrificing Israel (just as the British Prime Minister Chamberlain 1938 offered the sake of peace, Czechoslovakia could say). The fact that this is an extremely pro-jihadist view is obvious - so the book is indeed Osama bin Laden was mentioned very highly. A neighboring
theory makes the "Arab world" is a "rage against the West" from. "The entire Arab world, it foams", the popular Middle East expert Michael Lüders said a year ago in a radio interview. Because there can be no doubt. Again and again you see on TV young Arab men foam. They are burning flags, which they themselves have painted, and then bounce around wildly cursing on the burning rags. About why they behave like Rumpelstiltskin, because the United States, Israel or "the West" have something done to them? Oh: The same scenes are finally starting even at international soccer games between two Arab teams, as recently again at the World Cup qualifier between Egypt and Algeria. be
The reason for the foaming must therefore be different. The mafia-like economic structures in most Arab countries, in conjunction with high population growth to an extremely high youth unemployment. In conjunction with the ruling in Islamic countries has the moral consequences: "If the men ever find a job, it is usually poorly paid. Your financial situation does not permit to purchase a home and establish, in most Arab countries, however, is the minimum requirement to get married. Same time, premarital sex is an absolute taboo in Islam. And it abounds in Algiers, Alexandria, Sana'a and Damascus, young men 'between 18 and 35, are forced to live indefinitely with their parents. "( mirror , October 16, 2006)
It is no wonder that they constantly quarrel with the world - and realized that neither of these underlying problems can be solved Jerusalem from Washington. They are also not what the movements djihadistschen around the world drives (although it certainly in the Islamic countries are also many young men who are of sexual frustration to religious zealots, like the fox in Aesop's fable of the explaining for him too high for sour grapes hanging). Representatives say the Wuttheorie must: Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri do not act out of "anger" bin.
is again and again to listen to the jihadists hated the West because of the freedoms, such as women, homosexuals, and atheists have there. This argument shows at least the will to deal seriously with the ideology of the jihadists true, but only a small area and can except Mind that it's not just fighting against the West but also against Russia, China and India. For them, the war in Afghanistan (against the Soviets, then against the Americans), the war against the Jews and the war in Iraq, Bosnia, Kashmir and Chechnya different locations a great holy war against the kuffar , the infidels. The unbelievers are enemies of God and have sold, enslaved or killed best.
The jihadists hold fatah (conquest) for their religious duty, especially the conquest of those territories once part of the Islamic empire in the were. This is true not only Israel and India, but also Spain and Portugal: All "Al-Andalus" is since 1492 under the control of the unbelievers - for Osama bin Laden and the jihadists a scandalous and intolerable situation you want to change it. The goal is to unite all territories inhabited by Muslims in the Caliphate, where there is the "divine law". The era of 632-661, the period during which the four "rightly guided caliphs Abu Bakr ruled, Umar, Uthman and Ali, for the jihadists, the Golden Age, which applies to restore it. They know where they want to go (or think you know it) and what is the way it (the Murder, expulsion or enslavement of infidels).
Although the jihadists publicly proclaim their goals seems that U.S. President Obama (and with it the majority of the population in the U.S. and Europe) of all this nothing mitzubekommen. He will not admit the obvious. After Nidal Hasan had in November in Fort Hood killed 13 people, while "Allahu akbar" called Obama warned against "jumping to conclusions" - that is, to consider the ideology of the offender. As Faruk Abdulmutallab 25 December had tried to blow up a plane in Detroit, with 300 passengers in the air, Obama described him in an initial statement as "suspects" who "had allegedly (!) tried to ignite explosives. Obama would be on 11 September 2001 was U.S. president, he would certainly have said. "suspects have allegedly controlled planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon," The perpetrators of Detroit, Obama called against his better knowledge as an "isolated extremists." In early January, he made but the Yemeni branch of al-Qaida for the attempted assault charge, suddenly spoke of the "war against al-Qaeda" and said: "We will do whatever is necessary also to defeat them."
is awakened by the President and noticed that the jihad has not ended the day as Obama moved into the White House - and will never stop before the jihadists have either won or been defeated? Many commentators believe read out, was from Obama's new comments, a change in its attitude to on terror can be. Others even think that Obama has put the jihadists "behind the scenes" much stronger shock than his predecessor Bush. The jihadism can not overcome by force of arms alone. Obama can send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan or perhaps even the bombing of Iran supported jihadists in Yemen. All will not help as long as he is taking no notice that it is an act of war, which is run by jihadists worldwide and aims at the conquest of world domination. Who called terrorism as man-caused disaster and jihadists as "extremists" referred to, which is hardly comprehend.
* Stefan Frank is a freelance journalist and author of the book "The doomsday machine. By the credit boom to the economic crisis. " The text "War of the Worlds" was first published in CONCRETE 2 / 2010. The (slightly expanded) emphasis on Liza is world courtesy of the author and the journal.
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