The Austro-satirist Alexander Roda Roda once said, "you can from the anti-Semitism 'has to be something, if only the Jews would accept him." Whether Iris yeast assay of the Jewish for a Just Peace in the Middle East this bon mot familiar with is not known, but not so important: they give themselves and their organization in any case every effort to materialize it. Her favorites include such grandees such as Norman Finkelstein, Ilan Pappe and Hajo Meyer, who already have the titles of her books - "The Holocaust Industry" (Finkelstein), " The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" (cardboard), "The end of the Judaism "(Meyer) - give sufficient information as to what kind of person they are , and their vision of a Middle East peace" on a final solution of the conflict run out. That is precisely why they and their peers in this country like to hear and read. Two of the three, namely, Finkelstein and board, Recently, however, were unloaded in Berlin and Munich again, the third party, Hajo Meyer, was the same thing happened several years ago.
These projections came from the fact that pro-Israel organizations had complained to the respective organizers, pointing to the crude assumptions of the guests, after which the readings were canceled. This seems initially to be somewhat surprising, considering that about political foundations of the Greens and the Left exactly the right one, because logical place for this "Israel critic" and it was no coincidence that the Jewish witnesses of the prosecution at all were asked to present their elaborate. But the spontaneous surprise lies down quickly: The layoffs are a strange mixture of the attempt to avoid potential trouble, and a helpless Rechtfertigungsgestammel, all this suggests, not only basic understanding. It distances itself ever heard of the (alleged) extremes in order to then - if possible, even with the reference to exactly this distancing - still quite openly by the "Israeli genocide" to rave against the Palestinians and making it exactly say that, whatever Finkelstein, cardboard and Meyer have in store.
Meanwhile, the representative of the true teachings go to the barricades to taz respectively, in order to the "pressure is pro-Israeli circles imaging " shed bitter tears. In the Rudi Dutschke street in Berlin is one that is always a heart and therefore open to "Israel critics," especially if they are Jewish, so bring the coveted Kosher stamp. So allowed the aforementioned Iris yeast assay really sleep on leather pull and under the heading "Pilgrimage to Auschwitz" * the - mostly non-Jewish - tell taz readers why already using the term Shoa a nod of acknowledgment from the Israeli perpetrators of genocide is why the Holocaust in Israel to "a Kind of religion with rituals was solid "and why the Germans should finally cease to have a guilty conscience. As Claude Lanzmann is attacked because he had popularized with "Shoah," a "religiously charged term. As the talk of the alleged deficiencies of young Israelis, "at least once booze, sex, and have experienced a trip to Auschwitz, before the Army first and then to" freak out "to India's. And as Angela Merkel is under attack for having criticized the Pope for his leniency towards a Holocaust denier.
Basically, you must put the leaf and its author nigh be grateful have drawn such a blank to. For both thereby have their agenda pleasing disclosed and made clear what the "criticism of Israel" remain, in the final analysis always : to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish state, on a rotation of perpetrators and victims and on a relief from the original German Indeed, Auschwitz. The Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East is actually negligible values grouping that brings more rarely on the legs than a dozen Nebbich. That the taz yet - or perhaps because of - the stupidity, which this association for any reason whatsoever distributed, has improved by a full print of the same comment speaks volumes, however.
Iris yeast assay in turn, Israel will have "left eight years ago for political reasons," according taz . It is thus a kind of "exile-Israeli". Now, would authorize the Federal Republic only their asylum application - which it certainly has indeed been referring to the article 16 of the Basic Law - that is, a Jew persecuted by Israel provide shelter. And give it the Federal Cross of Merit. Then we could finally put Auschwitz on the file.
* "To bring official memorial days and older Israelis now obligatory pilgrimage to Auschwitz, "wrote Iris yeast assay. "March of ordinary soldiers to high generals and politicians they in uniform through Auschwitz and remember the words of Ehud Barak's (!):" We have come 60 years too late. "To no comment, but only the reference to this video .
The picture comes from a demonstration by Hamas supporters in Berlin on 3 January 2009.
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