Semitism grooves - in the literal sense. Oliver Marx on one from the Turn of the "criticism of Israel," a song derived not just marginal German band.
About the album "The Big Flow" the band "Hattler" - the name because its founder, called a veteran of the local music scene, this name belongs - wrote the critic Michael Solubility: "was never musical individualism chart compatible, rigorous, adventurous and danceable." funk with his-, jazz- and soul-oriented compositions Hellmut Hattler, bass player and co-founder of "Kraan" and the "Acid Jazz' formation" Tab Two ", a musically sophisticated " guarantee consistently danceable grooves is. that's not all: He also writes the lyrics himself and knows how to visualize the mostly non-political messages of his songs. Who is a concert of "Hattler" visits hears not only what he sees and sees not only what he hears, he is also supplied with backing tracks from the hard disk and video projections.
That such, the intensification of the stimulus and overcoming critical distance targeting overall service raises fears of bad will, in the course of the evening with a program point reaffirmed most impressive, easy to use the anti-Semitic sentiments, then it political engagement said: The piece " Assalamu Alaikum " (1) is about the on going violence in anger, the one supposedly disenfranchised Israeli and Palestinian mindful of the mercy of the consciousness of its alleged divine being chosen for the robbery and oppression of others rely on imagining Jews is - a piece from the Turn of the "criticism of Israel," which, put forward so funky looking, like you. (Click to enlarge the text on the picture.)

Even the quantitative ratio of the text portions of verse and chorus, which is on the whole, one in four makes it clear that this tells nothing, let is as explained. What are the verses shall act as a well known and is one, described two relevant subjects exhaustively in his causes. The crucial conclusion to convey the the chorus is belongs, with the frequent repetition of the group consisting of repeating formulas message for their irrefutable einsteht.
goes in detail it to this: Maybe as a private owner, but rather as part of a collective, the basic property rights claims, see the lyric I robbed of his land. The work that now, do not for the sake of income, not to live by their own labor, but to build the symbols of their dominance bring and their means of violence to dominate security in place: "Staring through my window pane - watch you digging on my ground / To post some flags and tanks - shows who's up and who's around" ["Staring Through my window pane - (I) see you dig on my floor / To set up some flags and tanks - to show who is on top and who is around (live) "] (vv. 3f.).
that hoisted flags and tanks are stationed, has the land acquisition as part of a state or state-supported, creating space for other associations. Compares like the lyrical I, the occupiers, as "my little white gods" [My little white gods "] mocking (see verses 6, 12, 22, 28, 36, 42, 54 and 60), such as with the English conquerors of Central America in the early 16th Century, which presented themselves as the indigenous people called on to reign "white gods" and "apologetic representations of events, according as such have been variously perceived and revered (2). However that may have been: the colonized these days - especially if he shares the conviction that there is no god but God and this one is huge - has the self-deification, which he his oppressors certified back immediately. Where he (as in verses 12, 15, 42 and 57) their language use, he does so not for the purpose of understanding or even out of respect, but only in distancing intention and to the enemy determination sake - his "Shalom" (3) clearly states: The invaders are Jews, the Israeli flags and tanks.
"In my soul detonate mines
would supplement the sake of completeness: the lyrical" I "is a Palestinian, the poet who created it, is a German. Whether for that reason and, notwithstanding: He obviously only too well the feelings that one in mind of the Jews - "the God of his chosen people of God and therefore divine nation" (4), the "little gods" just - can come about. "We are ready," "explain to the Jews to a diamond of immeasurable value, we just can not stand, it tears us the guts," said the member of parliament Ernst Graf zu Reventlow (NSDAP) in 1932, (5). In a way this is also the alter ego of the poet that gives to the Jews commemorating seen in the very first verse as an exploding inside it: "Mines in my soul blast if I only think of you" ["In my soul detonate mines, just thinking of you "].
The subsequent transition from I to We make it clear that this mood is not an individual fate, but wants to be understood as a basic sense of a battered community that is determined to bow to: "We never gonna bite one's bait - even if your story was true "[" We will never snap at the bait - even if your story were true "] (Verse 2 and 34). Reportedly, the truth of that which tell the others, no influence on one's own behavior or the behavior of individual group, is it not also the content of their stories on. It follows as a symbol of the just cited speech in something like this: "None of your dubious stories" - not the three and a half thousand years of the relationship of Jews to the land of Israel, not the millions of their extermination in Nazi territory, nor by the failure of those which the murderers wanted to abscond, the state restrictions of potential host countries - "none of this is in our view, such as to confer a Jewish sovereignty on Arab soil legitimacy."
The Reject the "story" (to go on to engage the enemy in the case and his concerns would be taken into account) does the rejection of an all talking, which it needed to be done to balance competing claims. Explicit is the call to end the talk, part of a sentence, to the insulted and humiliated himself and his family in every chorus einschwört four times: "[G] et back to the minimum to get away from the minimal talk" [roughly: "Let us come back to the very simple to recover from minor / petty gossip get away."]
The recommendation to move away from "minimal talk," from a talk that the speech is not worth, is accompanied with a request to destroy a military-controlled border crossings functioning security system between Israel and the West Bank (6) immediately (7). That the system was necessary because the order created by the Fatah Palestinian Authority as "Al-Aqsa Intifada" designated series of attacks that Israel struck in September 2000 (8), does not try to not only prevent, but even justified, sponsored propaganda and supported financially (9), distressed the author of the piece nor the fact that the party of the Jewish State still does not recognize, "Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades" and has at every available opportunity affirmed to be committed to "resistance in all its forms" (10). Who calls in the face of the destruction of the fence is, rather than with the movement peace-loving people as they make it hard to secure the players of that very "resistance" unimpeded access to the Israeli heartland, offering opportunities to their former field of activity again.
At stake is the destruction of Israel
By the lyric I dissociation from the one considered useless Peace process - which, among other things expressed that "lazy white dove" put the exit as a "zoo" designated area close to (11) - with the words "We never gonna bite one's bait - rather gonna bite the dirt" ( 12) ["We will never snap at the bait - rather we will bite the dust"] (verses can follow 18 to 48) the expressions of community militancy, receives the evoked burning down of the barrier the character of a war against the "occupiers "introductory Fanals. What is it about the destruction of Israel (13).
to promote the fact is the meaning and probably end of the song "Assalamu Alaikum", as all the propaganda that suggested the Jewish state as a colonialist project in the tradition of the conquest and the keyword Zionism or Israel the image of an inhumane racist regime characterized (14). In this condition applies: No concessions Israel is not tantamount to its extinction is far reaching enough. The fundamental flaw of any Israeli peace proposal is therefore not in it, the establishment of a Palestinian State to undermine, but to ensure the survival of the Jews to do.
Without the following interpretations contradict one another, the "minimal talk," of which is the refrain, either as never yield the desired result leading and therefore meaningless negotiations with the Zionist enemy or as the petty and the common goal of distracting squabbles with the political opponents in their own ranks to be understood. In both cases, reminded the appeal "[G] et back to the minimum" of something in the nature of the anti-Zionist minimum consensus, to which the states of the Arab League, which is the foundation of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) owed, agreed in August 1967 have: "[K] a reconciliation with . Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel "(15)
It is used for support of this position, the Zionists - although they, if at all religious, operate not understand the Jewish faith as the only true, no missionary activity and a State maintained, which excludes the devout from military service (16) - as "religious warriors" to define the (nomen est omen) another, under the delusion that to do a God-pleasing work, take their livelihoods. It is not the sectarian militancy as such, falls prey to the criticism of the poet, according to him it is but those have expressed their faith to war or to keep it, seem to question first as to whether they have earned it the title or to claim a false doctrine because they are eating up to injustice. distinguishing between true believers and misguided, the question is "warriors of belief - or victims of the twisted word?" ["religious warriors - or victims of the warped word"] (verses 17 and 47) an expression of sympathy with the true faith combatants. But those are not found naturally on the part of the "colonizers," but, (17) under the banner of Allah [and the] Jihad, "on the part of the" colonized ".
"Jerusalem, we come" - these were some of the Palestinians, on 9 November 2009 at Kalandija in the West Bank destroyed a segment of the security system to put on the Israeli side tires on fire (and to provoke the army used tear gas and water cannons), stand on their T-shirts (18). "Jerusalem, we come" could also read the caption of the last set of (in footnote 6) above video clip that closes with the opening at the beginning of the "Apartheid Wall" system introduced across the view of the prospective Palestinian capital.
Poetic Semitism
Although Hellmut Hattler the video to his YouTube comments for "adorable" and says so to speak, makes his case, but before he takes poetic motifs. As a symbol of the Palestinian situation to the audience that during the first bars on the stage backdrop projected image of a person is brought near, the (tied apparently and violence potential tormentors defenseless) by a gag-functioning tape or the like is prevented from its position to draw attention. Perhaps the Gagged also stands for in relation to Israel, in particular on the German ban last criticism, that there is not and has never existed, but has always been anyone who flouts brave about it, leaves tremble with boldness.
this motif is replaced by that of a white dove, which proposes changing, usually circular background with their wings, but are not thereby move from the spot. Their minute-long constant efforts notwithstanding, it represents perhaps the "lazy white dove" in the chorus. In addition to the interruption and flapping canvas shows the views of the existing sections of concrete elements of the Israeli security system, with different Graffiti can be brought to the fore. One of these represents a type of termite that - does trigger a domino, and so a number of other case - as with the production, which was the highlight of the Berlin celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the "Berlin Wall". Another graffito announced in grammatically questionable English: "This wall is a shame on the Jewish people, on my people" is claimed where, some were something shameful for the Jewish people, is found always also a German, who quoted it approvingly - especially when he dispel the suspicion of anti-Semitism by referring to a Jewish author to think.
What historical revisionists claim to the restitution of national pride's sake, shall notify the - against nationalist interpretations of German history, custodian - modern anti-Semite when he takes on Israel. He also felt there, where the commemoration remind us of the Holocaust and honoring the sacrifices of the reasons why there is the Jewish state and must exist, "the instrumentalization of our shame for present purposes" (19). Identifying themselves with the Palestinians, to him as the "victims of victims" (20) are valid, he also finds that "refer to those Jews with some justification, as" people of perpetrators' [Could] "(21). When he casually accused of crimes to those of the National Socialist German animated are equal, then certainly not to the purposes of his nationalist counterparts the times of the collective responsibility to explain to end and prevent the Jews from their victim status adult claims. Rather, it is doing to him about his ideological flanking do those that eliminate the State of Israel and make the "Zionists" an end, as an element and ID to understand an anti-fascist, purified, and democratic spirit and its [R] essentiments in a politically correct [F] orm creativity "(22). The
surprised that this form and the content sometimes come along "chart compatible, consistent, adventurous and danceable" is due this text.
- The lyrics presented here is the version (or claim in any event to meet her), which can be heard at the given address YouTube. Of these, slightly different, the text found on the Internet at these locations: [1] , [2] .
- See Peter Hassler: The white gods. As the explorers and conquerors of Mexico saw, in: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 15 September 2007 [link] .
- To many people (male or both sexes) articulate, is the Hebrew equivalent of the eponymous Arab salute as'salamu alaikum "-" Shalom Aleichem ", in German:" Peace upon you ". Grammatically it is in "Aleichem" is a compound word from the preposition "al": "the [accusative, D.] to [D] on [accusative]", and "laugh", the dative form of the personal 2. Person plural masculine: "you". "Shalom Aleichem" means that I have those I the greeting would like to extend, unquestionably worthy are to come first, as a party eligible to be recognized as my peers, and second, third, lead a peaceful and satisfying life to. By how it is done consistently in the text, which the addressee facing "Aleichem" by "I like 'em" ["I like it"] (hence the 2nd through the 3rd person plural) is replaced - with the words "my little white gods "[" My little white gods "] leaves no doubt that" I like em '"not as expressions of personal esteem, but as an expression of contempt is understood - will be the previously mentioned qualities into its opposite: neither are the others as partners into consideration, nor will they be recognized as equals and live in peace, they seem to view the speaker's certainly not deserve to have.
- Ernst Graf zu Reventlow, cited by Henryk M. Broder: The eternal anti-Semite. About the meaning and function of a constant feeling, Berlin 2005, p. 117
- Ibid., P. 116
- That this, partly out of a concrete wall, for the most part, however, from an Israeli army with modern equipment watched existing chain-link fence System is meant in the text "that fence" as, it is clear in the light of the song at the concerts of the band additional video projections. Conveys an impression of Thierry Miguet and Damian Lemans video clip (on the Internet on YouTube to find [link] ), who also - contributes more designs for imaging of the text - at the start, end and during the guitar solos.
- to whomever it is addressed - the question: "Why do not you ... burn "- either too" pop "-" that fence down "[" Why ... burns (shoots) her this fence is not down? "] (see verses 7, 13, 23, 29, 37, 43, 55 and 61), is aimed certainly not intended to highlight the facts that speak against the fence , and eliminate it to finish him, regardless of its wording, is it not lead towards a prompt, why the destruction of the fence to remain, but expressed the belief that it is at all acceptable reasons can not exist. In view of this conviction is what may always be put forward to justify the investment, the nullity. The legitimacy of the State of Israel and the ignorance of the fundamental security interests its citizens are inextricably linked.
- The decision to build the fence in explanation, "wrote the then Israeli Ambassador in Berlin:" After more than 19,000 terror attacks, 927 dead men, women and children and thousands more wounded during the past three and half years, Israel is trying, through the construction of a fence that serves only to protect the defense. This fence is to prevent suicide bombers and armed terrorists from reaching Israeli buses, cafes and city centers. The already built parts have reduced attacks in these regions significantly. "(Shimon Stein, Detour to The Hague. With reference to the Court do the Palestinians distracted from their duties, in: Tagesspiegel, 23.02.2004 [link] ).
- See Embassy of the State of Israel (ed.): As Yasser Arafat and his authority finance and support terror. Preliminary results from a study of documents that were found during Operation Defensive Wall ", Berlin 2002 [link] .
- to "drop is not an option [to]" in the fight against the "occupiers" will continue, the party still committed to her in the General Assembly adopted in August 2009 Program. See Dana Nowak: Fatah remains committed to armed struggle against Israel, www.israelnetz.com 10 August 2009 [link] .
- See the verses 9f., 15f., 25f., 31f., 39f., 45f., 52, 57f. and 63f.
- "Bite the Dirt is a slang term used in the military when one has to get on the ground for any reason." [link] .
- why is it certainly not only the lyrical self. As for the "moderate" Palestinian factions, then the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority with the publication of textbooks, in which every Israeli city to the "occupied territory" explained and a world is in prospect, is listed in the Israel on any map more clearly evident given that she, like Hamas, to the "liberation" by doing "every inch of Palestine". See Itamar Marcus and Barbara Cook (Palestinian Media Watch): From Battle To National Religious Conflict: New 12th Grade Palestinian school books present a world without Israel, Jerusalem 2007 [link] .
- An example of this is the declaration by members of the International Centre B 5 ", which pride themselves in Hamburg's St. Pauli together with like-minded In October 2009, the performance of Claude Lanzmann's film "Why Israel" have prevented. - Not only were from Ethiopia to Israel the immigrant Jewish experience to be surprised, "a system of white dominance" to represent, and - although it guarantee to all citizens without distinction of religion, race and gender, social and political equality - a "racial project to serve. " In order to expose Israel as part of the "racist separation of the world since the conquest and enslavement of" lifting "system [s] of white dominance" and Zionism understood as a "racist project, whose purpose is to" today's colonial culture "to maintain, it is necessary after all the years and decades-long stay in a scene that can be swayed in their" assessments "of anything, only certainly not by the ethnic diversity and the legal principles of Israel.
- Cited by: Mitchell G. Bard: Myths & Facts. The Israeli-Arab conflict at a glance, Holzgerlingen 2002, p. 180
- See Michael Wolff's son, Israel. History, politics, society, economy, Wiesbaden, 7 Edition 2007, p. 176F. and p. 190
- See Articles 6 and 15 of the Hamas Charter, in the Embassy of the State of Israel (ed.): The HAMAS. Profile of a terrorist organization with government contract, Berlin 2006, p. 3 [link] .
- Dana Nowak: Palestinians tear down part of security system, www.israelnetz.com 10 November 2009 [link] .
- See Martin Walser: experiences when writing a speech Sunday. Acceptance speech for the Peace Prize of the German book trade in Frankfurt's St Paul's Church on 11 October 1998 [link] .
- In the course of his examination of the "Manifesto of the 25" Micha Brumlik worth reading has objections to, the construct of "secondary victims" derivative liability of the German solidarity with the Palestinians to paper. Micha Brumlik: As the construction of the Baghdad Railway, Frankfurter Rundschau, 07.02.2007 [link] .
- The quotation comes from the Address by Member of Parliament Martin Hohmann of the national holiday, 3rd October 2003 [link] .
- Henryk M. Broder: anti-Semitism without anti-Semites (abbreviated and extended), 15 June 2008, German Bundestag. Home Affairs Committee, Committee Printed Matter 16 (4) 432 H, p. 3 [link] .
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