podcasts for players very popular, not just for iPhones and iPads are on the rise, the so-called podcasts. Actually nothing more than recording a kind of radio show in which fans of a subject omit. Podcasts are a dime a dozen, now even in video form. Not just for role players, I would like to present here even my personal favorite podcasts in German. But also explain what I do not think so "dolls". The following podcasts have to be an ideal travel companion for on the go, to while away a little time.
Once a week Stepp, Ulrich Berger and his colleagues about everything from what has something to do with games. Every few episodes is role-playing game expert Max Gruber visited, and musing about Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy and Co.
Conclusion: My absolute favorite!
Especially for the older ones among us almost a duty. Old hands in the game industry such as Heinrich Lehnhardt (heldendaten.de), Boris Schneider-Johne (Microsoft) Jörg Langer (gamersglobal.de), Winnie Forster (gameplan.de) and Anatol Locker (freelance journalist) can be made on current trends, talk about iPhone and other games and reminisce about the good old days, especially at the magazine Power Play .
Conclusion: A must for Altspieler!
In rotating cast is chatting about games and news. Unfortunately the quality to be desired but otherwise it is one of the more recommendable podcasts with little quirks and occasional idle.
Conclusion: Somehow still in the testing phase but already worth hearing.
Heinrich Lehnhardt and likes to talk a lot. Even at its new site about online role-playing games has he, after he had stopped at the magazine Buffed , in addition to his commitment as a freelance journalist, including at GamersGlobal , on data a new hero Activity found. Of course there is also a podcast with him http://www.heldendaten.de/content/podcasts . Conclusion: A feast for online role players, highly recommended!
He's kind of quite short and meaningless, and consists for the most part only of music and advertising, but continued for some time any more.
Conclusion: Unnecessary!
Under the above link there are some very nice special podcasts on specific topics, which are usually very interesting, about 25 years of Super Mario, Ten years of PS2 or 16-bit RPGs.
Conclusion: Really worth listening to!
consol media, featured in the magazines and websites Gamers.at, GamersPLUS, Consol.at, Console Plus, and many others, is a podcast pioneers in the German speaking countries. Who with the Austrian accent no problems the times should be in the Podspot at: listen http://consolat.podspot.de/ . Conclusion: average, but you can do to be happy times!
Under the link: http://www.podcast.de/stichwort/games/ are currently 86 podcasts proud about games. I have now is still pure in some, but most are unprofessional and do not last long fun, even if they occasionally quite can be entertaining. One notices, however, that Hinz and Kunz just not always as speaker are good, even if they try a lot of fans who make such podcasts, of course.
The theme of videocasts I will examine in the next entry, and present some of my opinion, worth seeing.