The deputy speaker of the Knesset, an Arab Israeli, is currently touring Europe - and it explains to his audience in all seriousness that Israel is no democracy. Jürgen Petzoldt has the appearance of the former Arafat advisor viewed in Kassel and Liza World depressed drawn a conclusion.
In Café an oasis to Kassel you can read books, drink mint tea and Bionade, meet like-minded people. Unions, Christians and others hold meetings there from, there is also a cultural program, poetry slams and a flute prayer. Wolfgang Gehrke of the Left Party has lectured in this store about a socialist foreign policy, and last Sunday was a Chaver haKnesset a guest: Dr. Ahmed Tibi (photo), deputy of the Arab nationalist Ta'al party and deputy speaker of the Israeli Parliament, spoke on "Israel - a democracy?". He is on a European tour, he has been, as he says himself, invited to speak on the "Nakba". One might think that the question of whether Israel is a democracy, then no later than done, when we find out that Yasser Arafat had earlier Tibi consultant. Can it be - an Arafat adviser sits in the Knesset and is her second speaker? It can be.
I almost never visit such events, it is useless, then the dominant mode of thought is known to me, so what? But the doctor I wanted to but then do not miss. She has at times also a little embarrassing, this pro-and contra-Israel Diskutiererei. A solid anti-Israel mainstream by about 95 percent of the population is facing a small group of people who belong on other positions, including delusionals such as diverse Christians who are waiting for the return of their Messiah and remember him in Israel to prepare the runway before it will then go to the Jewish baptisms. Embarrassing to me all the fruitless debates but also because there were more important things, here and on other continents, that would be discussed. But Israel is now even his enemies a real affair of the heart, and so there is no escape.
So what has the good doctor from his audience Tibi Pax Christi women, teachers, peace activists and other good people? A bunch of lies, distortions, misrepresentations, in short, Palestinian propaganda. In broken English he is the only no great effort and secretes a few sentences from which I had previously all can guess. There is only the Zionist narrative in Israel, the Arab will deliberately suppressed. No Arab could study at an Israeli university. The Arab population of Israel, 20 percent were under-represented in public life and almost all of them unemployed. And so on and so forth.
It is easy to refute all this. This can be done on a daily basis, about five minutes reading the Israeli press. Hardly a day passes in which the Ha'aretz regularly report on discrimination against Arabs. Tibi has a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem made. In the Knesset, Arabs are pretty much their share of the population represented accordingly. There is a disadvantage of Arab villages, but there is also a promotion of Arab villages. Often, the money will disappear with the mayor, and in every village there are a large property with pool and body fat before. All this can be seen when one travels around the country. The road blocks have been reduced drastically in the West Bank a fragile flower economic miracle plants.
That says it all but not the doctor, and his listeners do not hear it too. He prefers to speak of the wall and the fact that there are other ways to prevent infiltration by terrorists (Which incidentally is an interesting thought - I would like to know what he means exactly). Israel is a thoroughly racist society need to support the Palestinians in Europe. Then there is room for questions. "Did I understand you correctly? ? Israel is no democracy, "says one, leaving the entire cargo follow: What about the torture? In the prisons? In the occupied territories? What about the visiting time for family members of imprisoned Palestinians in Israel? How can we promote the boycott? What does he think of the bomb Iran? Yes, he thinks that I would be interested. Tibi but shares with only what he thinks about the Israeli nuclear bomb.
succeed I too, Ahmed Tibi to ask a few questions: What he says to the anti-Semitism in Palestinian textbooks, children's hand? What he thinks that "collaborators" to be slaughtered? As he thinks about the hate campaigns of the Islamic Movement? He does not answer but asked me a question: Did I want to know something about "incitement" of sedition so. In fact, I say, that's what me if this has constantly of "racism" and "apartheid" is mentioned. "Incitement" would not need the Palestinians, taught me the Doctor, that worried the Israelis themselves all look at any Palestinians when he wake up in the morning, in an Israeli gun, and then his eyes fall upon the graves of his fathers and brothers. Liberated laughter and applause from the audience.
I would have liked to ask more. For example, why he speaks of the "narrative". A narrative is a narrative on the basis of "We tell (well sometimes) so". So folklore, fairy tales and legends of the peoples. Also I would like to know why the newspaper of the Lebanese Communist Party (which for him would still be a trusted source) in 1948 reported that the Arabs left tens of thousands their villages, because the Iraqi commander had asked it to, probably in the belief that one will quickly deal with the Jews pack. Why he does not explain why one no longer speaks for 40 years of Jordanian and Egyptian Arabs, why it goes at once to a Palestinian state? And why should not Jews live in Arab soil? Palestine should of Jews to be? I would also like to know why never speaking of the thousands of illegally built Arab apartment buildings in the Arab part of Jerusalem the question.
It should not go unnoticed that the good doctor described the Holocaust as the greatest crime against humanity. It is here and now that is at all no problem, and then give it to hunt on "the Zionists" menu. "He should explain his Hezbollah and Syrian contacts," I murmur. "Why," asks my neighbor. "Because the terrorists are!" I put. "Oh God, what have been terrorists," said the neighbor, "take a look into Gaza." What is, what makes people obsessively go to such events? What need is there satisfied? My son is learning
for the oral baccalaureate, among other things, it's about the Weimar Republic. He says he needed a sense of time, the Facts to understand better. We talked a lot. On Sunday evening I thought to myself how it must have been in this anti-Semitic circles around the turn of the century: all are very curious, eager and zealous to hear it and add add some other facets of their world view. "I've known not so," said one of the organizers for the "lecture". Yes, Thunder and lightning, you never learn it from! A wall! Apartheid! Torture!
crept over me the idea that the need to feel good. As one can wallow in it, self-righteous and critical, as children with the nursing bottle. That all this is infinitely complicated, as, for example, using Yaacov Lozowick learn brilliant Hebron and Jerusalem analysis can - no question. I went home alone, depressed plentiful. No, it's not fun to know that what I have in Café an oasis heard lies and half truths. I thought it was pretty awful, actually, it creeps me from such people.
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