One can not help, as the organizers and participants of the international "Free Gaza solidarity fleet" Congratulations to: You have achieved what they wanted to achieve. For their action, which was declared with much pathos as humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, was planned in advance propaganda coup for Hamas. Their leader Ismail Haniya had rejoiced a few days ago: . "Reach When the ships Gaza, which is a victory - and when they are terrorized by the Zionists, which is also a victory" Now, a special unit of Israeli forces the comprehensive fleet of six vessels applied; are various types of information to 10:00 to 19:00 "peace activists" have come to death and injured several dozen been. Even among the Israeli soldiers there were a number of injured.
The tenor in the German media is clear - and in the spirit of the holy warriors, "Bloody attack by Israel on Gaza flotilla" ( Spiegel Online ) "Israel shock the Middle East" ( Süddeutsche Zeitung ) , "attack on Israel's solo trip to Gaza" (taz ), "Israel without measure" (FAZ ) - to name but a few of countless examples. The federal government sees the "proportionality" to justify to assess "Without in detail what happened during the occupation, it is never, by anything and: hurt, demands an international investigation and an" end to the blockade, " was during the left-faction leader Gregor Gysi Thus criminal side that the fire will be opened and peaceful people are killed or injured. "Several states, including Greece, Spain, Egypt and Turkey, appointed Israeli ambassador to the respective one. Who is to blame for the bloody escalation is not just in this country that is not even discussed. But as always when the waves of outrage beat up the Jewish state, it is worth a closer look.
First of all, can not be said that the Israeli special forces had attacked the fleet, but rather it was the other way around: There were several accept calls from the Israeli navy to them, the naval blockade of the Gaza Strip, to change course and the port to drive the Israeli city of Ashdod. The anti-Israel activists, however, refused to make this order consequence. Israeli soldiers then boarded the ship on Monday morning, five of them, the crew apparently provided no resistance. It was different on the largest ship, the Mavi Marmara : were there attacked the soldiers at once massive, including with truncheons, metal pipes and knives. Several video recordings [especially 1] [2] [3] these attacks clearly show. According to an army spokesman put an Israeli special forces first non-lethal device, get the ship under control, but without success. After they finally two handguns had been stolen, they had used live ammunition (back). Because the crew had intended to lynch the soldiers normal.
"Peaceful people" Gysi as the "Free Gaza" sailors called, undoubtedly behave differently. But it was already long before the morning's clear that it is the supposed human rights activists were indeed militant Israel hater is, where the welfare of the Palestinians does not matter if they can exploit not a campaign against the Jewish state . Greta Berlin, one of the organizers of the "solidarity fleet", gave a few days ago also frankly admits: "This mission is not about to deliver humanitarian goods, it's about to break Israel's blockade - a blockade that known, was built to prevent renewed arms shipments to Hamas. Therefore suggested Berlin and delete their supporters in recent days and each End the Israeli government from the shipments at the port of Ashdod and - bring on the (common) land in the Gaza Strip - after a check for weapons and other illegal goods to leave.
But not only this proposal for a friendly solution of the "friends of peace" rejected, but also - and this makes the drive boaters particularly evident - the desire of the family four years ago by Hamas kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit: had the Shalit offered to make the Israeli government to ensure strong that the boat parade in the port can create from Gaza - where the members of the fleet in exchange for Hamas to ensure that Gilad Shalit a package of food and letters must be passed. The "Free Gaza" activists refused, what the lawyer of the family, Nick Kaufmann, said in clear words: "I thought the movement support the human rights," he said, and instead applies its support "only a terrorist group, the self- not interested in human rights. " add
At least not for human rights, the Islamic understanding of contrary, would . For the sailing under the Turkish flag Mavi Marmara - attacks on the Israeli special forces were - was largely from the radical Islamic organization Turkish IHH organized and funded. Its chairman Bulent Yildirim held a few days in Istanbul at the dedication ceremony for the ship - also attended by two of Britain from operating Topterroristen Hamas Mahmad Tzoalha and Sahar Albirawi and Hamam Said, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan took part - a speech in which he said include: "Israel behaves, as Hitler's conduct toward the Jews. Hitler built concentration camps in Germany, and today is building concentration camps, the Zionist entity in Palestine. "
was also present at the ceremony, Sheikh Raed Salah, leader of the" Northern Division "of the Islamic Movement in Israel . Salah not only has good contacts with Hamas, but in the past also has several anti-Semitic hate sermons. In it he stated, among other things, the Jews are the "Butcher of pregnant women and babies," "thieves" and the bacteria of all time ", he also served old blood libel". We are not the ones who eat a meal of bread and cheese in children's blood, "The victory was" with the Muslims, from the Nile to the Euphrates ". Salah was then one of the passengers of Mavi Marmara - for their departure from Istanbul anti-Semitic songs were sung - and to have been injured in today's struggles .
about the benefits of driving under the Turkish flag vessels has already been a few days ago on the website of the Palestine Chronicle spoken openly respectively written: Turkey is a NATO member, an attack on Israel Mavi Marmara therefore could provoke the alliance case, increase in any case, the outrage of the world public. And indeed, the NATO ambassadors meet on Tuesday to deliberate. Since it seems almost ironic, that even three leaders of the nato critical Left Party on board the Mavi Marmara were, namely, the two MPs Inge Hoeger and Annette Groth and former parliamentarians Norman Paech. Other German participants in the "Solidarity fleet were Matthias Jochheim of the International Physicians for the Prevention of nuclear war (IPPNW) and one representative of Pax Christi and the German-Palestinian Society .
In particular, the participation of the above politicians in the business "Free Gaza" weighs heavy. For here have operated de facto German parliamentarians as combatants of Hamas and take part in an attack against Israel by an Islamist-controlled, armed ship. They have at least tolerated, that Israelis in the Lynch trial - and acted to provide such it is quite obvious - come to harm. And they have at least tolerated, that there are dead people in this attack - because the attacker can not possibly have expected that their massive, not partially Firearms executed attacks on Israeli elite soldiers, backed by hundreds of colleagues in escort vessels, without going victims in their own ranks CARRIED (so that the probability that this high profile 'martyrs' should be produced very low). To the opinions of Hoeger, Groth Paech and we may therefore be particularly excited - they will express publicly in the end perhaps, the crew had to "defend themselves" - in "self defense", against Jews?
In Israeli media, meanwhile intensively discussed, whether - and possibly why - is the use of the armed forces out of control and to what extent the damage could be limited, perhaps was the special unit actually surprised by the relentless violence of the "peace activists" aboard the Mavi Marmara . Notwithstanding this debate, it is difficult compared to the killed and injured participants of the "peace flotilla" applied empathy. Because their motivation - which is in the other firing the anti-Semitic (propaganda) war against Israel by all means and not in the readiness to help supposedly or really bad Palestinians - is all too obvious. And that's what should be the focus of attention and criticism are. Who wants to really help the Palestinians packelt, not with the Jews in the Gaza Strip ruling gang of murderers and provokes no military use - but added the slogan "Free Gaza" a "from Hamas."
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