can be said about conjured many things, but certainly not that he is not always good for a pettifogging performance is. In his summary, this is called quite rightly newspaper for Germany, the diploma in sociology has just yesterday immortalized with a comment about the latest work of Danish artist duo Surrend . This image (picture above) - that was bonded in various Berlin districts - is a poster which thick beams , entitled "Final Solution" to go and below shows a map section on which Israel no longer exists, but is a state called "Ramallah" vanished. Hunter sees this as a "satire against critics of Israel" and thinks, "Who knows the actions of 'Surrender', would have to know what this time was the intention. Namely:. Not some attack on the existence of Israel "Quite the contrary should" obviously the criticism of certain forms of Israeli policy by the soil Konsequenzmacherei be withdrawn by the gesture: Look, then, it will come. " By the word "final solution" would thereby "infamerweise suggests that just herein lies the true, but unspoken intention of Israel's critics. "
It is always enlightening to watch how a "critical of Israel" mentality inevitably leads to perceive reality only selectively, to put it kindly. For the FAZ-husband knew of course what Jan Egesborg, one half of the Surrend team had run for its creation: to "The idea that emanates from these posters, especially in the German context, a discussion on aggressive and negative attitude of Israel in the Middle East encouraging. We have never denied the existence of Israel, but it was a historic Error to establish Israel. As a Jew I have always found it problematic that Israel was built on stolen land. As the Israeli government now treats the Palestinians is terrible. There is no other answer than to find the Jews out of Israel a new home, such as in the U.S., Germany or Denmark. "
Without this opinion would be the conjecture that Surrend the consequences of the" wanted to point criticism of Israel " was perfectly legitimate - not least because Egesborg and his partner Pia Bertelsen have excelled in the past several with Islam-critical actions. But after Egesborg comments - That were not meant sarcastically - there's no more room for interpretation: the artists' talk like Ahmadinejad, "it brought Shimon Samuels, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Paris, to the point. You have the Jewish state as it were "artistically wiped off the map", as put it Benjamin Weinthal in Tagesspiegel , and that they wanted their proposal for a final solution to the Middle East question must submit to "just in the German context" rounds, the whole thing right off. In that sense, Surrend actually made the consequences of Israel and their hostility significantly anti-Semitic core exposed - albeit totally unintentionally.
That conjured his readers Egeborgs suppresses statement should therefore be a coincidence. The only way he could his outlandish thesis that the poster was in fact a pro-Israeli intervention, by the first set. asked by e-mail to a resolution of the glaring contradiction between the statement of the Surrend -artist and the interpretation of the poster in the FAZ, hunters first referred only to a comment in Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger ("You might believe this post more ") to the new request for a substantive response finally to respond with a personal attack: "I find it far more appropriate if you stick to your view - it is your horizon and your work somehow appropriate." Rarely has the editor of a leading German daily newspaper such a frank insight into his journalism as well as their character predispositions given.
is surprising that still does not when (to stay in his own terminology) to Hunter's horizons and creating a closer look raises: His Adorno's biography is a slating of critical theory, for his product to anti-Semitic Pius Brotherhood he was of the boys freedom praised he defended Norman Finkelstein's book "The Holocaust Industry," is a followers of Ernst Nolte and acted to making it a cultural history of the swastika the historian Bernd Buchner alleged that "a swastika-apology" written have to. In addition, hunters with crude comments on the alleged power of the "Israel lobby" have appeared, with a French intellectual André Glucksmann and Bernard-Henry Levy accused in all seriousness, with its criticism of Russian policy merely the interests of the Jewish state to represent. short, Lorenz Hunter is an anti-Israeli conviction - and that's judged cautiously.
A word to the poster of Surrend : To Walter Herrmann's "Wailing Wall" in Cologne, it would be repealed without question well, especially since fear Egesborg and Bertelsen would not need to be prosecuted by law. because the prosecutor in the cathedral city would no doubt consider it as a "legitimate criticism of Israel," after all, it shows no "specific anatomical stereotypes that should characterize the Jews par excellence". And if all else fails, then the title is "Final Solution" including their artistic and cartographic implementation level, as a "Jew-critical". Mark my words.
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Update 8 May 2010: Let's all been meant very different justifies, Jan Egesborg in taz - and finally confirmed exactly what he believes to refute: "Anyone who criticizes in Germany, Israel, is often immediately and reflexively as anti-Semitic or Holocaust deniers attacked, "he says, why Surrend a message with his work, "as pointed as a needle," I want to convey: "The poster heading final solution ', we have chosen carefully, because the term is in Germany, a taboo word. Will it be integrated into an image of a map, and deleted from the Israel, Ramallah "was replaced, then we have a classic for the purpose of unmasking of public opinion. This is branded as anti-Semites the makers directly, without ever having to check their background. "
Should Egesborg have with public opinion in this country dealt a real and serious, it would have he know that the "criticism of Israel" for the overwhelming majority of Germans is a matter of heart and made Surrend with his sharp needle, only the small minority of Israel's friends have to warn every effort before a final solution to the Middle East question, as shown on the poster is. If he still maintains the contrary, he joins the ranks of those who believe in paranoid misunderstanding of reality, a pro-Israeli views on the German cartel dominates the Middle East debate. With her purported breach of taboo, the Danish artist only unmasked himself - and identify themselves as conformist rebels, where, exactly in line with stocky Israel are enemies, such as Lorenz Jäger.
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