Fiamma Nirenstein (photo) fell in 1967 as a young Italian communist to Israel when she returned to Italy, she had become with their comrades to persona non grata , to a "Imperialistin" and "unconscious fascist". Why this was so, where anti-Semitism is on the Left and the extent of the "Palästinismus" corrupted the minds of Europeans, which recounts the author and politician, a member of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, in an interview that Stefan Frank for Liza World had with her.
INTERVIEW: STEFAN FRANK ** Stefan Frank is a freelance journalist and writes for the monthly magazine CONCRETE. On his website is a selection of his writings and interviews to find.
Jerusalem is currently the focus of media attention. Some people claim that Israeli construction in the eastern part of the city threatened the "peace process" and angered the United States. The relations between the two countries had deteriorated by strong or are even in a crisis, they say.
Fiamma Nirenstein: The ten-month building freeze, by Netanyahu in December 2009, proclaimed unilaterally - and Obama enthusiastically welcomed - has been moved, only to settlements in the West Bank. East Jerusalem was never included in it. Jerusalem is a matter that can talk about Israel and the Palestinians at the negotiating table only. Most people seem to forget about the fact that what is commonly renamed as "East Jerusalem" is the part of the city that was occupied by Jordan, 1948-1967. In the centuries before the city always had a Jewish population majority. In previous negotiations, such as those between Arafat and Barak in 2000 or those between Olmert and Abu Mazen, 2007, the Palestinians have even considered that many of the neighborhoods that are referred to by the newspapers as "settlements" - such as Ramat Shlomo - maybe in a final agreement to the Jewish part of town could be added. And that is because most of these neighborhoods were built on either uninhabited land or in areas that had been inhabited before the Jordanian invasion of Jews. The decision to build 1600 housing units had been cut long ago. The bad timing of the announcement has now been exploited by the Americans to steer the peace process in the desired direction of Obama.
You have been working intensively with the long-Semitism of the Left. When were you first aware of this phenomenon?
1967, I was a young girl, and like all my peers I was a communist. My parents sent me in that year in Kibbutz Neot Mordechai in northern Israel. It was a left-wing kibbutz, each week, the income of a working day goes to the Vietcong. During my stay broke out of the Six Day War. I took care of the children they brought into the shelters. When I returned to Italy after the war, I thought my leftist friends would be proud of me. But the feelings that were proposed to meet me, terrible rather anti-Israel. Why was this so, I did not understand at first. But suddenly I realized: It was the stereotype of the Jews conspired with capitalism and imperialism had against the poor nations of the world, where there were also dictatorships like Egypt and Syria, an ally of the Soviet Union. Gradually, I understood the powerful feelings that were in play: the Jews were regarded as evil - and Israel as the collective Jew, which seized the power.
Is there something specific links to the anti-Semitism?
The situation of the Cold War, it required that had to be a page of the "good" countries. They might also be dictatorships, human rights violations, oppress women, homosexuals, murder - they were the good guys, poor countries, the Third World. On the other side was the imperialism, led by the United States.
The contemporary left-Semitism is therefore born from the black-white thinking of the Cold War out?
Yes. He is deeply rooted in Third-Worldism that is mutated to Palästinismus. The Palästinismus is one of the worst evils of our time, corrupting the minds of Europeans. When terrorists perpetrate attacks around the world, or Hamas in its charter, writes that she wants to kill all Jews - not just Israel's - care, then no one, because it is indeed dealing with Palestinians.
was terrified the year 1967, a psychological turning point, because at that time many people, when they discovered that Jews are not inherently victims?
Yes. The people saw that the Jews had ceased, those Jews to be, they introduced themselves like: a poor, by the Company despised minority hiding in their homes or their synagogues to pray, and for all authorization the Gentiles needed. Suddenly, the Jews were strong enough to defend itself against Egypt, Syria and Jordan, and even to conquer territories - in a war that actually had to seal their fate. This turn of events made many People hopping mad. The world seemed to stand head. Unfortunately, there are still many Jews who want to present yourself as a sheep on the way to the slaughter, ready to give up the image of a strong Israel, and who want to become as small as possible.
told a parliamentary deputy of the Left Party in 2006, to be on the same side as the Hezbollah. Is it mere coincidence that some of the political left shares with the jihadist terrorist hatred of America and anti-Semitism?
you are united by their opposition to modern democracy. There is much in the democratic world, anti-democratic ideology, and that they are expressed can be a part of democracy. I would not think that these deputies obey the Islamic dress code and many give up their rights, not to introduce the Sharia - and wants to kill homosexuals for their sexual preference - including physical punishments such as stoning or amputation of limbs. This is what I call Palästinismus: People cheating on their desire for peace, friendship and mutual understanding in favor of something that will return at the end against them.
In January you are traveling with Prime Minister Berlusconi to Israel. How successful was the trip?
The Israeli Population felt that their country Berlusconi visited not only for diplomatic reasons, but because of his deep affection for the Jews. Israel is thirsting for love and sympathy, because it gets so little of it. In addition, the visit had a political aspect. In his speech to the Knesset Berlusconi has spoken of five times Jewish state. In this expression is actually not uncommon, but most politicians shy away from him because they fear they might anger the Arabs. Israel's enemies do not usually see the Jews as a nation. To speak of the Jewish state , is to acknowledge the Jewish people.
After the parliamentary elections in Britain now could be the pro-Israel politician David Cameron become prime minister. Can he change something in common with Berlusconi at the European foreign policy, which is traditionally pro-Arab?
There is a small chance. But in the past, the terrible propaganda of the Palestinians and their friends worked extremely well. With the help of a lot of money and a huge media machine they have the press, television and the intellectuals captured and brought into circulation a number of templates that are to delegitimize the State of Israel. They speak of Israel as an "apartheid state" or a state commission of the crime and aware about the bodies of Palestinians steal. No one who is sane and knows a bit about Israel, such statements would be believed - but unfortunately they are actually believed by many people. Anti-Semitism is related to sedition and another factor, namely the Islamic immigration, a powerful mixture.
Does that mean that governments because of this pressure are not in a position to act on behalf of Israel?
European politicians live in a big lie. Each time a decision could be taken that would actually help Israel to defend itself is great Courage necessary. Think about the events surrounding the killing of the Hamas official in Dubai. European governments have called the Israeli ambassador relevant because Israel is said to have forged European passports. Such allegations are so hypocritical, considering who this Hamas-type and what he has done: Iranian missiles smuggled into Gaza, which can take Tel Aviv. During the war, Gaza was accused Israel of killing civilians, because it was not the military goals met with sufficient precision. Now that a target has been hit very well, is also protesting. How will Israel defend itself if it is not allowed to wage war against his worst yet and most dangerous enemies precisely to proceed?
have politicians who speak of the "moderate" Fatah and "necessity" of a Palestinian state, out of touch with reality?
Before we talk about a Palestinian state, one should look for the Palestinians, who want to build a democratic society and support them. It was not a good idea to establish a Palestinian state that supports terrorism and instigates a new war. Since 1948, the Palestinians have rejected all partition plans, because their real goal is the destruction of Israel. Go to the website of Palestinian Media Watch and take a look at what it says about the martyrdom of the Palestinian television, the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews. The Palestinian National Authority designated soccer fields and recreational camp for young people for so-called Shahid , these are people who have killed the Jews. The Palestinian Relief and Works Agency UNRWA in Ramallah killed the terrorist Abu Jihad, the hundreds of people, has honored at an educational program with a soccer tournament named after him. Thus, the Palestinian children are educated. We must find a new way if we make peace in the Middle East want. We must end the anti-Semitic incitement is to stop giving money to the anti-Semites.
The Israeli economy has one of the highest growth rates in the world and is a leader in terms of knowledge and innovation. On the other side loses a growing part of the society the following: the Haredim and the Israeli Arabs. Both suffer from inadequate education and are disproportionately affected as a result of unemployment and poverty. Since these two groups have the highest birth rates, their share of the population in the next 30 years will grow from 30 to 50 percent. For how big do you think of this problem?
Such statistics have always been deceived. Today secular families have many more children than was previously thought. In Tel Aviv each pair seems to have three children. There are objective problems that can not be denied. But Israel is a flourishing country with a strong economy and a very creative high-tech sector. I am confident that we are the less fortunate Israelis can help to bridge the gap. Major efforts are under way, and there is a sense of the importance of overcoming obstacles. Israel makes it all the time - it is a miracle society.
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