Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wireless Headphones Denon Connect


The football referees have experienced in the last almost twenty years, a remarkable change of image. Even in the eighties, they were not a few as "black Pigs, "into her own strange species, as eccentric fringe figures of the most popular sport in the world. They were held for people of quirky character and tolerated it grudgingly as a necessary evil - which begat this country, not least that rectangular plate, which was more or less are well visible on every sports field (and sometimes still is) and with the words "Be fair at 23 Man - without a referee is not "urged viewers to remain calm as kicker. In professional football, the referee, the last amateurs; they went to a decent career, sacrificed for use in the Bundesliga and got her annual leave for an appearance in the Lords one days expenses set of exactly 72 (twenty-seventy-two) marks. In the lower leagues again, they were often what has Elke Wittich, sports chief of the weekly Jungle World , once described very aptly with the notion "weekend commander" : authoritarian characters who enjoyed it on the football field does not separation of powers and they are at least there could be the absolute ruler - police, prosecutors and logically, judge in one.

The gradual transformation of the referees, who gave up in the shallows of the amateur leagues, was accompanied by the increasing commercialization of football. Their jerseys were now green, red, yellow or blue, - was one of the top next to a badly cut an uncomfortable trousers, for the self-mode abstinent pensioners have been ashamed - the standard black uniform belonged to the past. The league went from the sports show into private television, and the number of cameras verzigfachte itself - which not only the so-called sidekicks so raging coach and desperate club president, an increasingly important role in the coverage played, but also the decisions The referees are increasingly the focus of attention moved: That was really a foul? An offside? A goal? And what has actually ridden the referee to rule on foul, offside, goal, even though everyone could see really slow after seven and three still images that there is no foul, no offside, no goal was? Over time they learned this, too, because the arch-conservative German Football Federation (DFB) - who had sealed off for decades, his pipes men - changed after some hesitation, his line: the referees were now no infallible demigods more, but were in the public and gives an account from.

And now they were paid better. Not as royally as the pros, but still: it is 3,800 euros today a football game, 2,000 € for use in the second division. Those who whistle in the top leagues will need the DFB always available, so long ago officiate in professional German football no teacher, electrician, more than referees, but above all self-employed and senior executives. The standards of physical fitness, appearance and personality of the GM rose (and down to the District League): Gone are the days when seen were obese men with unfavorable hair and bad manners in the stadiums to give the big Zampano . The referee today is slim and slender, with yet sophisticated short haircut, and is both on the grass square in front of the microphone and telegenic and eloquent. Pierluigi Collina as name or Markus Merk to know not only the experts and the European football body UEFA has recently been provided with the remarkable film Referees at work that an interested audience gets an intimate look inside the world of match officials.

all the more incomprehensible it is that the big brother of the Uefa, the world football body Fifa namely, the referees at the World Championships in barracks formally. To their (wrong) decisions, they may say nothing, fearing the officials, the referees could to talk to the head and neck. This heats up the secrecy of the debate even more so, that could influence the match officials without them. Moreover, it is nigh grotesque that the Fifa referees selected by her but for their skills has to manage the most important games of the football tournament in the world to perform them but apparently not trusted to off the field as professional. As this is deeply regrettable, does not last that much game scene, which provided not only in Britain for terror: Why did not recognize only the referees, the ball to Frank Lampard's undoubtedly connected crossbar came up behind the goal line? Had the referee or his assistant public may provide information, then you would probably find something that not everyone in the audience should be clear: The goal of the assistant stood where he had to be, namely at the level of the - counting the goalkeeper - the penultimate English defender. And from this position - he had to take to see a possible offside position can - it was for him not to recognize naturally, whether the ball had clearly crossed the goal line now or not (!). For the well-positioned correctly and therefore even more remote is the referee ever.

An error in the system, then? If you like, yes. Finally, no one to run as fast as the ball flies, it was the man at the line therefore simply impossible to achieve in time a place from which he would be able to assess the situation accurately. "On suspicion" but decided he could not, because it was true the maxim: When in doubt of it was just not the ball. Here is a set the discussion: Does it goal judge in the Champions League? A chip in the ball? The video evidence? All these proposals have something for themselves, the main argument that is mentioned time and again, is: In this multi-billion business, it may not be that errors of the referees on the course or even the result of a Game decide. But the other side has equally important objections: the football is not just so popular, because his over the years only moderately modified rules the world without discrimination - in the district league in the Bundesliga, the Middle East and Africa, as be implemented consistently and without technical aids - in Europe and South America? Is a game of influencing or critical error of the referees actually worse than a missed penalty at the wrong time? Video images can ever show definitive conclusions to be drawn? Its use would not be fast out of hand or even undermine the authority of the referee? If they were not the death of passionate football myths such as the "Wembley goal" or the "Hand of God"? And who else would tell you that you know where your car is, if not the blind man with the pipe?

obviously a very imaginative proposal meant as Lampard's goal had earned recognition can learn, has submitted the way, Peter Singer in the world . The German goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, it was the "moral philosopher", the referee should have to tell that the ball had crossed the goal line, as he did not, he had "cheated" as they had before him such as Thierry Henry and Diego Maradona. Apart from the general questionable such lamentations about the alleged corruption of the football business (which ultimately handle always with a concept of justice, the abstracts of interests and the desire for personal advancement, therefore under suspicion, represents a betrayal of the mysterious "common good" to be): Here soars to a prosecutor on who has probably never even kicked the ball and some typical football sequences are therefore unknown. A goalkeeper is in flight at any rate hardly be able to judge whether one of the crossbar and then dripping down popups ball for a split second has passed the goal line or not - and that's not his job. A player who is unnoticed by the referee commits a deliberate handball, it could be his violation so hold still outraged - but to be expected of kickers, which may be purely a mistake of the referee did nothing, that Mother Theresa play in shorts is not only moralinsauer but quixotic.

The ongoing World Cup will be remembered not as the one with the best refereeing of all time certainly in the story. But the excitement about the Larriondas, Rosetti and Undianos expected to lay soon after the tournament. And far more important than the introduction of technical Aids - to the spectacle would take much of his passion, yet human only to a limited extent for a reduction could make mistakes (!) - It would in any case, the referee, first get rid of her completely outdated muzzle and secondly, to carry to full professionals, ie : they pay to permanently so well that they are either on another job or rely on dubious bets. Then they would make mistakes but still, sometimes game-deciding. But even a Messi hits sometimes from the beach and the sea is not his fans drives you crazy. That's just football. And that's a good thing.

A reply to this post is titled appeared "disempowered them" on the Internet portal Sports Wire : one with "dialectic of progress" overridden replica of Liza World on this contradiction is to be found there as well.

Monday, June 28, 2010

When Does Cervical Mucus Come

. Ursula Prem Channel Rabe Paws

Video "Small basics learn easily" by "Ursula Prem.'s Channel Rabe paw" at "YouTube"

Frey city (radio, television and radio) - Ursula Prem, singer and author of Passion, presented on the video sharing "YouTube" to see and worth listening to video clips in which books are worth reading presented by her and other authors. This channel is called "Ursula Prem. Channel Rabe paw "and is at the address http://youtube.com/user/Rabenpfote found. Since its launch on 2 January 2007 have been already published several videos that are used by the users / views inside very often and often commented friendly. About books written by Ursula Prem informed the blog http://prembuch.de - Ursula Prem also operates the Web pages http://www.buchstaben-lernen.de and http://www.kleines-einmaleins.de - also "read a book" she has been a lead author of the blog quintet at the Internet address http : / / a-book-lesen.blogspot.com

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Snowplow For Honda Pilot

Kiel Week, Indian visitors ... and a new telephone


I'm actually not twenty more, which has clearly shown me the last week. Two twenty-year visitors from beautiful India, according to Shopping Sightseeing in Dubai and now in West Germany in the north almost exclusively want to party.

A Kiel Week, provides just the right background for it. We meet people everywhere love (yesterday as the Lord Already -time, and the wife Bea could say that I'm smaller than you think) have really lucky with the weather and just celebrate heartily. With long distances and run .. um ... how can the two beers yesterday have cost 40 euros? :) By the way, of course

continue normal life. Work must be done, sports lessons are given and behold: Samsung has taken pity on me and leaves me at the Longest Wave . Participate Since I'll need one or the other helping hand, so I tapped a new mobile phone for free, but more on that later (after Kiel Week).

I wish you all a great Kiel Kieler Woche weekend - do not forget, today is night again pl0gbar! - All non-Kiel simply a great weekend and I promise more content from Wednesday (then sit the girls will head back in Bombay).

Have good time, we are now driving to Lübeck, buy marzipan:)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Local Store With Catheters

is zurückgeniebelt At twelve

who have friends, not enemies need more. A little controversy to Dirk Niebel overbearing presence in Israel.

Even the holy rage, with Dirk Niebel on the travel ban in the Gaza Strip reacted is treacherous: the Israeli government, outraged the development aid minister and ex-FDP-General, had a "major foreign policy mistake" committed and do it right now even their "most loyal friends" difficult to understand their actions. Your announcement to ease the Gaza blockade is "not sufficient", but rather should the Jewish state "now provide," also "be clear" as he "wants the international context in the future to work together with his friends" and Beyond "more transparency" and a "new partnership" provide. The blockade was not a sign of strength, but rather a document unspoken fear. " In short: "It is Israel eleven fifty-five" therefore it must now "take every opportunity," "around the clock to stop yet."

treacherous, this style mainly because it reveals a narcissistic injury, which - as it inevitably narcissistic insults then - immediately cries for vengeance: What has not Niebel done everything for Israel! Hat on a kibbutz for a year fish farming and agriculture operated found despite the limited free German-Israeli Society as Vice President of available against the Left Party and, in particular Norman Paech denounced Hezbollah declared war and even a "Fight Terror, Support Israel" stickers pasted on his bag. He has, however, clearly not taken for granted, but apparently believed, but Israel is deeply indebted to him for ever. And now this ingratitude! This impudence to him to deny the great friend of the Jewish state, a visit to a sewage treatment plant in Gaza! And, although his trip "had based" but even the Palestinian Authority (although well known, Hamastan reported a long time nothing more, and also itself a very dubious event)! Since the visit to Sderot by Qassam rockets plagued was immediately canceled once again.

This is the reason why the German minister was allowed so little to pass through the border crossing as dangerous goods of all kinds, as simple as comprehensible (and the guest from Germany was aware of course): "If we had allowed Niebel to enter Gaza, should we also allow any other European ministers, " said a spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry in Berlin . And "would the Hamas government additional legitimacy "Gain. The Israeli government will follow two guiding principles so that you constantly repeated in Germany and therefore would have to actually understand - one is: "Never again" and the other: "Resist the beginnings" but probably was the FDP's man that is why in his narcissism injured as a German - after all we in this country claimed the copyright on these slogans, as an expression of exemplary overcame past, the countless compatriots Niebel year on 27 On 9 January, or November ostentatious shed tears over the dead Jews can.

play for the (over) living on the other hand to the so-purified Germans the probation officer who wants to keep his victims from being re-offend, such as Wolfgang Pohrt once put it aptly. The thus rehabilitated Jews should be harnessed for now as a witness for the prosecution against Israel, the stubborn residue gives you - among friends, of course - to understand in time what the hour has come: eleven fifty-five namely (Hamas against leaves Meanwhile, the clock is ticking a little slower, where the muezzin calls straight to the morning prayer). Finally, we know just as a German best of all, what is good for the Jews and what not, and therefore lead the descendants of the perpetrators on a regular basis, as if Israel, a German protectorate, which is not itself able to decide on his weal and woe.

Even the incessant call for "international investigation" when the Jewish state once again suspected of a crime is an encroachment on the sovereignty of the State of Israel and an arrogance unparalleled. The UK has just the processing of his "Bloody Sunday" concluded the German Parliament has a Committee of bombing in Kunduz - but Israel's affairs should kindly of supposedly superior regulated by light and let instances. The demand for a complete lifting of the Gaza blockade, as it brought Niebel party colleague Guido Westerwelle - agree with the "Free Gaza" Alliance from Islamists and their European cheerleaders - is deeply presumptuous. And this before especially the fact that it has not been able to UNIFIL mission with the participation of the Bundeswehr, which prevent Hezbollah from the reinstatement of its missile arsenal.

But perhaps even the supposedly pro-Israel government long ago made friends with the idea that there will soon come to a war which Israel loses and then they would be she believes, at least, come the problem. Before that belongs to the Israelis blamed, so you can play afterwards pure conscience as a friend of the Jewish state, which had been so warned that there is no such move on. With friends like these, but it really needs no enemies.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Microsoft Flight Simulator Deluxe Vs Gold

everyone to the left, three against Israel

Actually, one might think, should blow the Left Party, given their obscene attacks against Israel and denying her any real defense of the "Free Gaza" company in the chilly wind, at least in the face. For the Israeli army has been just over two and half weeks prevented by force of necessity, that a dominated by Islamists and assured of their European cheerleaders "peace flotilla" of the maritime blockade of the Gaza strip breaks go, every day new information about the true target and the actual course of this "humanitarian mission" to light. Even German media can not avoid some of the background of the events on the Mavi Marmara shed more light, because - as it wrote the operator of the Weblogs The Flat Earth probably not without reason - if journalists like this country "left even less as Jews, is now and then something like adequate reporting out ".

And yet, good for the participation of left-wing members of parliament and NGO representatives on against the Jewish state directed militant propaganda coup still not really a scandal, as even the most egregious evasions and distortions of the Paech , Groth and Jochheim after their return so far remained without consequence. Worse still, when the German parliament recently at the request of course, perfectly legitimate free left party has a "quickest possible investigation of the attack, the Israeli military on an international ship convoy with supplies for Gaza" discussed *, urged MPs all parties an "international investigation" (which - as we do not only since the Goldstone report - mutate to the mandatory sentencing tribunal Israel would like). Although there were during the debate here and there a few gentle words of criticism of German parliamentarians, who were stung for the legitimation of Israel in the lake, but overall was dominated by a cross-group understanding clearly intimacy of the conversation.

There was agreement, for example, the fact that Israel's blockade of Gaza - the Mindful of the fact that every day more than 2,000 tons of relief supplies there by land be delivered only to a limited designated as such is - give up, because it has "not helpful to the peace process" is, like the CDU deputy Andreas Schockenhoff believed. Other makes her no bones: Rolf Mützenich, a foreign policy spokesman of the SPD parliamentary group, held the "use of the Israeli military" for "excessive" and "unjustifiable", the Free Democrat Rainer Stinner was "scared [ sic! ], the speed with which succeeds the current Israeli government to lose friends and partners around the world ", his party colleague Werner Hoyer, Minister of State at the Foreign Office, exclaimed: "[!] What is needed is a fundamental change in Israel's Gaza policy," and Kerstin Mueller called by the Greens, the Israeli policy simply as "inhumane" and "international law".

When it comes to Israel, because there are no parties, but only German. Annette Groth and therefore had nothing to fear when she in the Chamber before the microphones, entered again to give their version of events at the Mavi Marmara the best and unchallenged as "witness" - vulgo: as victims - "a to extremely inhumane treatment by the Israeli soldiers "stage. There was not even a heckling when she claimed falsely: "Meanwhile, the IDF admitted that it was back in the recording of a conversation in which allegedly asked an activist from the military, to Auschwitz is a fake." In reality the IDF had initially a shortened version published by the pauses of the radio traffic, but the complete shortly already posted online. But this difference, which is a serious, no one seemed in the House to create value.

Gar even more boldly than Groth was driven Christine Buchholz, a member of the executive committee of the Left Party and those sitting pointedly had remained had ended when the Israeli President Shimon Peres's speech before the Parliament for this year's Holocaust Remembrance Day. On its website, put the 39-year-old recently their "arguments for the Free Gaza Movement is and joined this untruth to trivialization and denial of rotation: the death-longing Islamist bat on the deck of the Mavi Marmara her" unarmed civilians "with" toys " had begun to "self defense" against Israeli "act of piracy"; the criticism of the Islamist cadre IHH - whose Chairman Bulent Yildirim the attack on the Israeli soldiers personally commanded - it is under suspicion of "Islamophobia" and the "anti-Muslim racism", is the goal of Hamas Buchholz considered not as the destruction of the Jewish state, but to end the "occupation by Israel" (which is well known, is no more since 2005), was chosen was that force, because they "according to the continuation of the struggle of self-determination argues, "have (that is evidenced by its Charter for the" liberation of all Palestine "by the Jews). And so it goes, word for word, line by line and page by page.

That these positions in the Left Party are by no means marginal, Sören Pünjer made for the magazine Bahamas in a speech to a pro-Israel rally last Saturday in Berlin convincingly clear by Gregor Gysi's speech on the 60th Anniversary of Israeli statehood undertook. Those words keynote speech, which, as summarized Pünjer had not been canceled at the anti-Zionism, but rather a new strategy has given, to the future, "therefore, are covered israel solidarity" of anti-Zionism from power may be exercised, "so that in case of participation in government criticism of Israel push that far away, as it would not jeopardize the government power." Those who viewed the speech of the chairman of the Left parliamentary group more closely, will hardly reach a different conclusion: Gysi regret that, with regard to the relationship with Israel's "moral component that comes from German history," so strong was "foreseeable that this will change anything," is palpable, and his request that the Jewish state must "seek no further, culturally Europe in the Middle East to be", containing not less than the request, Israel should, as Pünjer put it aptly, "the authoritarian and barbarism states converge around it" and "its constitution as Western-oriented democratic state for the sake of peace to give up. "

can therefore be in the Left Party, who considers it with Israel? Of course not. And therefore submitted the Halle group No Tears for Krauts the Berlin rally support Linksjugend -comrades of the country's working group Shalom Hamburg made the offer, each party book to be returned immediately, "a bottle of Yarden wine from which we can hope to buy for all eternity Israeli Golan. For "it was far more than the booklet is worth it." After all that we know was, by the way no one on the offer. Significant.

* The complete transcript of the meeting found here; of the request in question, more readable extract from the minutes found here.

The photo (© Dissi) was made on the rally "against the alliance of the warmongers of the Left Party and Hamas! Solidarity with Israel! "On 12 June 2010 in Berlin before the headquarters of the Left Party, the Karl Liebknecht House. The poster is based on a book by Peter light and alludes to the gender segregation in the Mavi Marmara , who submitted to the two MPs of the Left parties protest.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Male Genital Medical Exam

Basta's contribution to the World Cup

since I've seen this a cappella group for the first time in an otherwise unspeakably boring Jörg Pilawa show in the ARD, I am a big Fan of BASTA.

Although I actually have never been able to experience live (always sold out incredibly fast!) Delight me in their WDR broadcast "... and that's that!" and of course on the CDs. Always in competition with the great guys of the Wise Guys this year have released a World Cup song.
Was it 2006 at the Wise Guys "champion," said Basta have adjusted their annual contribution to the little venue of the World Cup.

Have fun!

And who "champion" of the Wise Guys do not yet know:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Women Toples Catfinght

United we

without words. Or rather, an indication of a remarkable rally this Saturday in Berlin - for all those who want to take the hustle and bustle of the anti-Semitic lynch mob and his cronies do not do nothing.

© Lisa Benson, Washington Post Writers Group

Monday, June 7, 2010

Building A Wood Slat Fence

was in dialogue with "Pax Christi"

Is it denial of reality? Or mere ideology? Probably due to the one the other: At most, "two wooden poles, has it Norman Paech known, announced had the men on the deck of the Mavi Marmara brought last Monday against the members of the Israeli special forces might be used, and this , of course, even in self-defense. Videos the Israeli army, but also the statements of a on board Muslim brother and a Reporters from Al-Jazeera make clear, however, that reality then something seemed different. Added in the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet published photos in which can be seen seriously injured Israeli soldiers, and a statement of the chairman of the Islamist, with Hamas compacting Turkish organization IHH, which had chartered the ship to be had with iron rods to the "activists" and defended several soldiers overwhelmed, "said Bulent Yildirim , certainly not without pride.

There were some veritable jihadists, that the very German "friends of peace" there out to sea - and this might have known her and have, since the information was already known in advance of the IHH . Or is it? For Liza World Stefan Frank * on 2 June - two days after the attack on the Israeli soldiers - with Wiltrud Rösch-Metzler speaking, the Vice-President of the German section of Pax Christi , the "Free Gaza" is supported.

you know what the IHH for an organization?

Wiltrud Rösch-Metzler: What IHH do you think?

Turkish. The

has been established to support the international "Free Gaza" organization.

They are, however, since 1992.

No, that's the other IHH, so I have just asked what you mean. The other also has a branch in Frankfurt and is an Islamic organization that has nothing to do with the Support to Gaza. The IHH is also called, but has a different target.

but we both speak of the IHH, whose chairman Bulent Yildirim is?

Oh, I do not know. I know that the IHH, the one has branch in Germany, the other IHH, which is has nothing to do with Gaza. Because I know the chairman in Germany, in Hamburg and is Yoldas.

The IHH is a member of "Union of Good" , whose chairman Yusuf al-Qaradawi is .

That may be, this Islamic IHH. I do not know. Which has a branch in Germany. But this is not the IHH, which works with "Free Gaza". The "Free Gaza" IHH is ... I watch just how this is written ... (reading) "Insan Hak ve Hürriyetleri Vakfi" (laughs) . The short is just as well IHH. They have a website, but all remained in Turkish, I can see myself do not, I must let me translate.

It was the Islamic IHH, which organized the convoy. There are not two Turkish IHHs, but a Turkish and a German. The Turkish operates under the acronym of the name "insani Yardim Vakfi" and "ve Insan Hak ve Hürriyetleri insani Yardim Vakfi" under the long form. This is the same organization.

(Reading) Insan Hak ve Hürriyetleri Vakfi. This organization supports the "Free Gaza ".

Exactly. It is a militant Islamist organization, the connections to international terrorism. On the Facebook page of the IHH find propaganda videos of Hamas and the Facebook "Fan photos" a picture of Hitler with a swastika flag. This is the organization that is part of the "Union of Good".

The Islamic IHH.

She was your partner in the Gaza flotilla.

No, there are two different organizations.

does not do it. It is the same in all the papers.

Which newspaper? Then I watch even after times.

For example: world online , Online , Tagesanzeiger ...

have also thrown by the then the other.

It is one and the same organization. As a logo it does have the world with the dove, is not it?

I do not know what to have for a logo.

Has for Pax Christi notified in advance what is this organization?

Those are not our partners, but we are together with "Free Gaza".

But the IHH was still there.

They are to hit.

Aha. The newspapers can to read, three of the four killed were Turks want to die as martyrs, they had announced earlier. Do you know?

I've also read.

What do you think?

I know people do not, yes. I research, of course, what this is, as it comes to this release.

influenced your view of the events of 31 May, on the confrontation between Israeli soldiers and crew members of some militant Mavi Marmara ?

First of all we have to evaluate it.

you think it is possible that some members IHH of the confrontation were looking for, because they wanted to die a martyr?

What still remains: there is just dead on this one side only.

But seriously wounded Israeli soldiers.

Exactly, there are casualties on both sides. There were three injured people, have spoken of the German delegates. Those were three Israeli soldiers were injured.

Yes, exactly.


Would then the IHH, which, as you say, was pushed to after the event, distance, saying: "With militant Islamists we want to do nothing"?

We are not yet IHH, we are a Catholic peace movement.

Would distance themselves as morally and ...

(Patzig) I have not checked, I told you that. I may say so: "Had I known that there are dead people, I never let send out any ships." Or it would have never welcomed. I did not know that the Israeli military intervention as hard

And you did not know also that there were among the crew members of the "Mavi Marmara" militant Islamists, who is preparing for a martyr's death and have sought the violence?

(Aggressive) I do not know, but I have to check first! How should I know? Do you know perhaps? Were you on board? You can also search but only by asking people who were there. How it works me well. What is the question? If I had known that there are dead people, I would have never welcomed.

And would not it be welcomed, if you had known about the involvement of IHH?

I do not know. First, what I receive for information, I've tried to explain to you that there are two different IHHs.

Just not, it is one and the same.

Yeah, you say that's not true, but now I have to research the first place.

And what is the outcome of this research? A two days after the interview published From Pax Christi sponsored press release information about it: "With the utmost determination, we reject the allegations that put the peaceful notion of freedom fleet in question, and a connection to Islamist terrorists' . insinuate These accusations only serve the purpose of the Israeli crimes in the attack on the ships and the illegal blockade of Gaza . Distract "To the original question, once again pick up: Is it denial of reality? Or mere ideology? The one depends on the other really well.

Update 7 June 2010: Also, the ARD Report Mainz magazine has now published a post that pretty impressive showing, with whom the Left Party, the IPPNW, Pax Christi et al. common cause entered: Questionable peace mission - German left in a boat with Turkish Islamists and right-wing extremists?

The photo shows the IHH-Chairman Bulent Yildirim (left) and Hamas leader Ismail Haniya on 7 January 2010 fundraising for the "Free Gaza".

* Stefan Frank is a freelance journalist and writes for the monthly magazine CONCRETE. On his website is a selection of his writings and interviews to find.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Online Film Le Parfum

The banality of good

order it again Let's be clear: The passengers of the Mavi Marmara , the Israeli soldiers with clubs, knives and may have even attacked firearms were nothing more than suicide bombers . That they would die, they need to, given their have been acting and the military might of the Israeli troops clear. Unlike their conviction and comrades, who blow themselves up in buses and shopping centers in the air, they were aimed not at civilians, but on Israel's image. They took their own death knowingly accepted. Israel's enemies have now understood that in an asymmetric war comes to find the lever with which to bring the case to superior opponents. This lever is media and world opinion that will be used to isolate and weaken Israel. Thus, these suicide bombers of the new generation in its indirect effect on Israel are no less dangerous than their predecessors. ( Spirit of Entebbe , June 2, 2010)
One can not say that Israel's enemies not in the pursuit of its objectives would be creative. They have tried it with suicide attacks en masse and with missiles special number you have Israeli soldiers kidnapped them - dead or still alive - against in Israeli prisons prisoners as terrorists exchange, which can then go out again to their murderous work to follow. They dominate the so-called Human Rights the United Nations and there have conferences and tribunals organized to demonize Israel and to delegitimize. The damage they have caused is substantial - and yet they have their final plan not been able to achieve. For there the Jewish State still is.

That this is so, is also that some of these activities have proved counterproductive, so to speak. May Suicide Bombings and missile attacks in no small part of the world public to ever so much forbearance and understanding to be met - so far, it has been seen as "desperate" and not as an offensive military attack - could they not but all completely by the peacefulness convince the Palestinians. And even less could these funds, the Israeli society to wear down and divide - on the contrary: the bitter realization that they can be taken anytime, anywhere from a human bomb or projectile fatal, also left many of those Israelis who supported a second-state solution come to the conclusion that the neighbors want to love everything, but no Jewish state. The main reason is increased in Israel to agree to military action since the second intifada in 2000, again significantly.

had in mind, the enemies of Israel gradually devise a new, more promising strategy, suitable is to bring even more members of the public on anti-Israel course than before. This strategy now aims to transfer to Israel of the ultimate inhumanity of a crime, the global maximum causes outrage - even more so, than any war, it can - and no one outside of Israel dares to justify. With relief goods-laden ships are on their way to the coast of Gaza has been delayed several times by the Israeli navy, which caused in each case a few days of bad press for the Jewish state, but did not ignite really the idea - because there is no dead and was injured. To change that was "Free Gaza" is now taken up clearly - an alliance that succeeded in peace movement Europeans to Turkish Islamists to get everything on board, what the Israelis want the plague to the neck, including some B-celebrities, including two German Bundestag and Swedish writer Henning Mankell included.

fact that "Free Gaza" was not to deliver humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip have the person responsible for this association in commendable openness divulged - and if there had still needed a proof, then he has delivered no later than when it emerged that a non- small portion of the material is worthless junk on board the ships , will have the not even Hamas . The company's goal was rather to force Israel into a violent confrontation in order to present themselves afterwards as victims of a brutal military machine and to be able to delegitimize Israel's isolation and promote another good piece. Because the soldiers of the Israeli special unit but no longer did, bring a paintball ammunition against their opponents to use has had to escalate all ready part of the confrontation with iron bars, knives, the soldiers stole weapons and hostage-taking such that the special forces not everything else could shoot as sharply to, otherwise they would come himself to death.

This ready to all part consisted mainly of Turkish Islamists, at least 40 of which are were according to Turkish newspaper reports aboard Mavi Marmara , and at least three of those killed are to their friends and relatives said to have told before leaving, they wanted die on the trip as "martyrs." Other were willing but her dearest wish was not fulfilled. was organized and financed the ship by the IHH, a Turkish supposedly charitable institution the Chairman Bulent Yildirim still at the dedication ceremony for the glory Kahn with open anti-Semitism in appearance occurred, "fight" members in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya can and their spokesman Faruk Korkmaz admitted cold smile, the concern of his organization had been to , "demonstrate Israel".

"In the organization of the Gaza flotilla are leading organizations that support under the guise of humanitarian aid Islamist terrorist organizations and the global jihad," summed up the Mideast Freedom Forum Berlin to why Law. And the other associations of the "Free Gaza" Alliance knowingly made common cause with them. The now often attempt to make "between Millî Görüş whose spectrum of IHH is part, to distinguish the members Inge Hoeger, between one to speak of civil society organized hatred and the open (attempted) lynching is, in miniature, the image of the high politics", was The journal Bahamas worth reading in its call titled "For Israel - against the alliance of" good guy "and jihadists." The "link between hate propaganda and blatant Support of terrorism ", the Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan, who, since he is domestic policy no longer on the road to victory, gives so since the so-called Gaza war last spring, the 'European' front man of the Israel hate and the crimes of his compatriots on the Mavi Marmara has actively promoted ". Erdoğan learn from Europe not a criticism, the Bahamas continues, "his regime is still not as Islamist, his agitation is not as anti-Semitic."

How true these words are, will clear when you look at the comments of the German members of the "Free Gaza" look. Matthias Jochheim example, health professionals and for the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) on board Mavi Marmara , held the IHH in a interview Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger all seriousness, "a kind of Red Cross Turkey ". In the preparatory meeting had to "leave no doubt that pacifist sentiment" that body had. "But we can," continued Jochheim, "of course never know whether among them are ideologically disguised or Hamas supporters" - and it was probably not at all. The action against the Israeli special unit certainly a legitimate act of defense was, at best "wood stick" had it been used, believes Jochheim, agreed with Norman Paech, who prized their number two and a half and otherwise comply with the - partially successful - attempt to " to disarm soldiers, "was correct. In a taz-Interview Paech even went to the question of whether weapons were found on board the ship, even with the statement: " Not at all. The Mossad was the first day of action on it. He knew all about it. "So does that sound when a" critic of Israel " makes made no bones about it. confronted

The footage shows anything but such a thing as non-violent, civil disobedience of the passengers, the German peace friends react as the Left Party Bundestag member Annette Groth, who said on ZDF, the videos had been "pieced together what I know where it came from. " Because not be what should not be, the actions of the new suicide bomber is promptly called the invention of the Israeli propaganda. But this is not a denial of reality, but a deliberate distortion of facts. For yet you dare not, the old left slogan, "Whether peaceful or militant, important is warm, the resistance "and therefore the obvious long liaison with the Islamists and to announce officially. There are journalistic side protection and from those which are considered generally to be moderate and sober. Israel is "without measure", commented about Günther Nonnenmacher the FAZ , what Bahamas was pulling a dry Conclusion: "Any measure, Israel seems to have lost in fact, than the hatred of Fried man from Europe underestimated, which can insidiously representative exercise murderers and martyrs, to be held after press conferences concerned. "

What both these left, peaceniks and "human rights" and the vast majority of German media drives has analyzed the publicist Eike Geisel already fifteen years ago, read in his book " triumph of good will": " In the name of peace with Israel to be, is something new. Because of this resentment all the practical and political reasons has been stripped. [...] This new anti-Semitism arises not from low instincts, nor is it honorable discharge of political intentions. It is the morality of morons. The anti-Jewish resentment springs from the purest of human needs, it comes from the desire for peace. It is absolutely innocent, it is as universal as moral. This moral act, the German anti-Semitism Wiedergutwerdung so far as to announce it by the completion of inhumanity. The banality of good "15 years after those records whose validity has not changed in the slightest.

It may be that under the "Free Gaza" activists was the one or the other, who believed naively infinite, to the Palestinians living in Gaza with the fleet carriers really help. If that should be so - for which, given the lack of distancing is not yet complete, a strong case - then the person is said "Free Gaza" has a military, not humanitarian in nature, and the point of the exercise on Monday morning was to produce as effectively disguised a few as a peace activist "martyrs" to a stage in the propaganda war against to win Israel that could actually be the lever to the Jewish state in the long term to make it disappear. The answer can only be the unconditional solidarity with Israel. And who would like to have cognition accompanied musically, which was arranged by Caroline Glick, the , magnificent video "We con the world" recommended The company is in the "Free Gaza" disfigured from the eighties to familiar sounds recognizable.

The photo was on an anti-Israel demonstration on 1 June 2010 in Berlin, on the left, Islamists, and "Grey Wolves" took part. The woman on the banner is Leila Khaled, the first Flugzeugentführerin of world history and thus constitute the first mother of humanitarian pacifists of the Mavi Marmara . (© verbrochenes.net )