And yet, good for the participation of left-wing members of parliament and NGO representatives on against the Jewish state directed militant propaganda coup still not really a scandal, as even the most egregious evasions and distortions of the Paech , Groth and Jochheim after their return so far remained without consequence. Worse still, when the German parliament recently at the request of course, perfectly legitimate free left party has a "quickest possible investigation of the attack, the Israeli military on an international ship convoy with supplies for Gaza" discussed *, urged MPs all parties an "international investigation" (which - as we do not only since the Goldstone report - mutate to the mandatory sentencing tribunal Israel would like). Although there were during the debate here and there a few gentle words of criticism of German parliamentarians, who were stung for the legitimation of Israel in the lake, but overall was dominated by a cross-group understanding clearly intimacy of the conversation.
There was agreement, for example, the fact that Israel's blockade of Gaza - the Mindful of the fact that every day more than 2,000 tons of relief supplies there by land be delivered only to a limited designated as such is - give up, because it has "not helpful to the peace process" is, like the CDU deputy Andreas Schockenhoff believed. Other makes her no bones: Rolf Mützenich, a foreign policy spokesman of the SPD parliamentary group, held the "use of the Israeli military" for "excessive" and "unjustifiable", the Free Democrat Rainer Stinner was "scared [ sic! ], the speed with which succeeds the current Israeli government to lose friends and partners around the world ", his party colleague Werner Hoyer, Minister of State at the Foreign Office, exclaimed: "[!] What is needed is a fundamental change in Israel's Gaza policy," and Kerstin Mueller called by the Greens, the Israeli policy simply as "inhumane" and "international law".
When it comes to Israel, because there are no parties, but only German. Annette Groth and therefore had nothing to fear when she in the Chamber before the microphones, entered again to give their version of events at the Mavi Marmara the best and unchallenged as "witness" - vulgo: as victims - "a to extremely inhumane treatment by the Israeli soldiers "stage. There was not even a heckling when she claimed falsely: "Meanwhile, the IDF admitted that it was back in the recording of a conversation in which allegedly asked an activist from the military, to Auschwitz is a fake." In reality the IDF had initially a shortened version published by the pauses of the radio traffic, but the complete shortly already posted online. But this difference, which is a serious, no one seemed in the House to create value.
Gar even more boldly than Groth was driven Christine Buchholz, a member of the executive committee of the Left Party and those sitting pointedly had remained had ended when the Israeli President Shimon Peres's speech before the Parliament for this year's Holocaust Remembrance Day. On its website, put the 39-year-old recently their "arguments for the Free Gaza Movement is and joined this untruth to trivialization and denial of rotation: the death-longing Islamist bat on the deck of the Mavi Marmara her" unarmed civilians "with" toys " had begun to "self defense" against Israeli "act of piracy"; the criticism of the Islamist cadre IHH - whose Chairman Bulent Yildirim the attack on the Israeli soldiers personally commanded - it is under suspicion of "Islamophobia" and the "anti-Muslim racism", is the goal of Hamas Buchholz considered not as the destruction of the Jewish state, but to end the "occupation by Israel" (which is well known, is no more since 2005), was chosen was that force, because they "according to the continuation of the struggle of self-determination argues, "have (that is evidenced by its Charter for the" liberation of all Palestine "by the Jews). And so it goes, word for word, line by line and page by page.
That these positions in the Left Party are by no means marginal, Sören Pünjer made for the magazine Bahamas in a speech to a pro-Israel rally last Saturday in Berlin convincingly clear by Gregor Gysi's speech on the 60th Anniversary of Israeli statehood undertook. Those words keynote speech, which, as summarized Pünjer had not been canceled at the anti-Zionism, but rather a new strategy has given, to the future, "therefore, are covered israel solidarity" of anti-Zionism from power may be exercised, "so that in case of participation in government criticism of Israel push that far away, as it would not jeopardize the government power." Those who viewed the speech of the chairman of the Left parliamentary group more closely, will hardly reach a different conclusion: Gysi regret that, with regard to the relationship with Israel's "moral component that comes from German history," so strong was "foreseeable that this will change anything," is palpable, and his request that the Jewish state must "seek no further, culturally Europe in the Middle East to be", containing not less than the request, Israel should, as Pünjer put it aptly, "the authoritarian and barbarism states converge around it" and "its constitution as Western-oriented democratic state for the sake of peace to give up. "
can therefore be in the Left Party, who considers it with Israel? Of course not. And therefore submitted the Halle group No Tears for Krauts the Berlin rally support Linksjugend -comrades of the country's working group Shalom Hamburg made the offer, each party book to be returned immediately, "a bottle of Yarden wine from which we can hope to buy for all eternity Israeli Golan. For "it was far more than the booklet is worth it." After all that we know was, by the way no one on the offer. Significant.
* The complete transcript of the meeting found here; of the request in question, more readable extract from the minutes found here.
The photo (© Dissi) was made on the rally "against the alliance of the warmongers of the Left Party and Hamas! Solidarity with Israel! "On 12 June 2010 in Berlin before the headquarters of the Left Party, the Karl Liebknecht House. The poster is based on a book by Peter light and alludes to the gender segregation in the Mavi Marmara , who submitted to the two MPs of the Left parties protest.
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