Is it denial of reality? Or mere ideology? Probably due to the one the other: At most, "two wooden poles, has it Norman Paech known, announced had the men on the deck of the Mavi Marmara brought last Monday against the members of the Israeli special forces might be used, and this , of course, even in self-defense. Videos the Israeli army, but also the statements of a on board Muslim brother and a Reporters from Al-Jazeera make clear, however, that reality then something seemed different. Added in the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet published photos in which can be seen seriously injured Israeli soldiers, and a statement of the chairman of the Islamist, with Hamas compacting Turkish organization IHH, which had chartered the ship to be had with iron rods to the "activists" and defended several soldiers overwhelmed, "said Bulent Yildirim , certainly not without pride.
There were some veritable jihadists, that the very German "friends of peace" there out to sea - and this might have known her and have, since the information was already known in advance of the IHH . Or is it? For Liza World Stefan Frank * on 2 June - two days after the attack on the Israeli soldiers - with Wiltrud Rösch-Metzler speaking, the Vice-President of the German section of Pax Christi , the "Free Gaza" is supported.
you know what the IHH for an organization?
Wiltrud Rösch-Metzler: What IHH do you think?
Turkish. The
has been established to support the international "Free Gaza" organization.
They are, however, since 1992.
No, that's the other IHH, so I have just asked what you mean. The other also has a branch in Frankfurt and is an Islamic organization that has nothing to do with the Support to Gaza. The IHH is also called, but has a different target.
but we both speak of the IHH, whose chairman Bulent Yildirim is?
Oh, I do not know. I know that the IHH, the one has branch in Germany, the other IHH, which is has nothing to do with Gaza. Because I know the chairman in Germany, in Hamburg and is Yoldas.
The IHH is a member of "Union of Good" , whose chairman Yusuf al-Qaradawi is .
That may be, this Islamic IHH. I do not know. Which has a branch in Germany. But this is not the IHH, which works with "Free Gaza". The "Free Gaza" IHH is ... I watch just how this is written ... (reading) "Insan Hak ve Hürriyetleri Vakfi" (laughs) . The short is just as well IHH. They have a website, but all remained in Turkish, I can see myself do not, I must let me translate.
It was the Islamic IHH, which organized the convoy. There are not two Turkish IHHs, but a Turkish and a German. The Turkish operates under the acronym of the name "insani Yardim Vakfi" and "ve Insan Hak ve Hürriyetleri insani Yardim Vakfi" under the long form. This is the same organization.
(Reading) Insan Hak ve Hürriyetleri Vakfi. This organization supports the "Free Gaza ".
Exactly. It is a militant Islamist organization, the connections to international terrorism. On the Facebook page of the IHH find propaganda videos of Hamas and the Facebook "Fan photos" a picture of Hitler with a swastika flag. This is the organization that is part of the "Union of Good".
The Islamic IHH.
She was your partner in the Gaza flotilla.
No, there are two different organizations.
does not do it. It is the same in all the papers.
Which newspaper? Then I watch even after times.
For example: world online , Online , Tagesanzeiger ...
have also thrown by the then the other.
It is one and the same organization. As a logo it does have the world with the dove, is not it?
I do not know what to have for a logo.
Has for Pax Christi notified in advance what is this organization?
Those are not our partners, but we are together with "Free Gaza".
But the IHH was still there.
They are to hit.
Aha. The newspapers can to read, three of the four killed were Turks want to die as martyrs, they had announced earlier. Do you know?
I've also read.
What do you think?
I know people do not, yes. I research, of course, what this is, as it comes to this release.
influenced your view of the events of 31 May, on the confrontation between Israeli soldiers and crew members of some militant Mavi Marmara ?
First of all we have to evaluate it.
you think it is possible that some members IHH of the confrontation were looking for, because they wanted to die a martyr?
What still remains: there is just dead on this one side only.
But seriously wounded Israeli soldiers.
Exactly, there are casualties on both sides. There were three injured people, have spoken of the German delegates. Those were three Israeli soldiers were injured.
Yes, exactly.
Would then the IHH, which, as you say, was pushed to after the event, distance, saying: "With militant Islamists we want to do nothing"?
We are not yet IHH, we are a Catholic peace movement.
Would distance themselves as morally and ...
(Patzig) I have not checked, I told you that. I may say so: "Had I known that there are dead people, I never let send out any ships." Or it would have never welcomed. I did not know that the Israeli military intervention as hard
And you did not know also that there were among the crew members of the "Mavi Marmara" militant Islamists, who is preparing for a martyr's death and have sought the violence?
(Aggressive) I do not know, but I have to check first! How should I know? Do you know perhaps? Were you on board? You can also search but only by asking people who were there. How it works me well. What is the question? If I had known that there are dead people, I would have never welcomed.
And would not it be welcomed, if you had known about the involvement of IHH?
I do not know. First, what I receive for information, I've tried to explain to you that there are two different IHHs.
Just not, it is one and the same.
Yeah, you say that's not true, but now I have to research the first place.
And what is the outcome of this research? A two days after the interview published From Pax Christi sponsored press release information about it: "With the utmost determination, we reject the allegations that put the peaceful notion of freedom fleet in question, and a connection to Islamist terrorists' . insinuate These accusations only serve the purpose of the Israeli crimes in the attack on the ships and the illegal blockade of Gaza . Distract "To the original question, once again pick up: Is it denial of reality? Or mere ideology? The one depends on the other really well.
Update 7 June 2010: Also, the ARD Report Mainz magazine has now published a post that pretty impressive showing, with whom the Left Party, the IPPNW, Pax Christi et al. common cause entered: Questionable peace mission - German left in a boat with Turkish Islamists and right-wing extremists?
The photo shows the IHH-Chairman Bulent Yildirim (left) and Hamas leader Ismail Haniya on 7 January 2010 fundraising for the "Free Gaza".
* Stefan Frank is a freelance journalist and writes for the monthly magazine CONCRETE. On his website is a selection of his writings and interviews to find.
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