who have friends, not enemies need more. A little controversy to Dirk Niebel overbearing presence in Israel.
Even the holy rage, with Dirk Niebel on the travel ban in the Gaza Strip reacted is treacherous: the Israeli government, outraged the development aid minister and ex-FDP-General, had a "major foreign policy mistake" committed and do it right now even their "most loyal friends" difficult to understand their actions. Your announcement to ease the Gaza blockade is "not sufficient", but rather should the Jewish state "now provide," also "be clear" as he "wants the international context in the future to work together with his friends" and Beyond "more transparency" and a "new partnership" provide. The blockade was not a sign of strength, but rather a document unspoken fear. " In short: "It is Israel eleven fifty-five" therefore it must now "take every opportunity," "around the clock to stop yet."
treacherous, this style mainly because it reveals a narcissistic injury, which - as it inevitably narcissistic insults then - immediately cries for vengeance: What has not Niebel done everything for Israel! Hat on a kibbutz for a year fish farming and agriculture operated found despite the limited free German-Israeli Society as Vice President of available against the Left Party and, in particular Norman Paech denounced Hezbollah declared war and even a "Fight Terror, Support Israel" stickers pasted on his bag. He has, however, clearly not taken for granted, but apparently believed, but Israel is deeply indebted to him for ever. And now this ingratitude! This impudence to him to deny the great friend of the Jewish state, a visit to a sewage treatment plant in Gaza! And, although his trip "had based" but even the Palestinian Authority (although well known, Hamastan reported a long time nothing more, and also itself a very dubious event)! Since the visit to Sderot by Qassam rockets plagued was immediately canceled once again.
This is the reason why the German minister was allowed so little to pass through the border crossing as dangerous goods of all kinds, as simple as comprehensible (and the guest from Germany was aware of course): "If we had allowed Niebel to enter Gaza, should we also allow any other European ministers, " said a spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry in Berlin . And "would the Hamas government additional legitimacy "Gain. The Israeli government will follow two guiding principles so that you constantly repeated in Germany and therefore would have to actually understand - one is: "Never again" and the other: "Resist the beginnings" but probably was the FDP's man that is why in his narcissism injured as a German - after all we in this country claimed the copyright on these slogans, as an expression of exemplary overcame past, the countless compatriots Niebel year on 27 On 9 January, or November ostentatious shed tears over the dead Jews can.
play for the (over) living on the other hand to the so-purified Germans the probation officer who wants to keep his victims from being re-offend, such as Wolfgang Pohrt once put it aptly. The thus rehabilitated Jews should be harnessed for now as a witness for the prosecution against Israel, the stubborn residue gives you - among friends, of course - to understand in time what the hour has come: eleven fifty-five namely (Hamas against leaves Meanwhile, the clock is ticking a little slower, where the muezzin calls straight to the morning prayer). Finally, we know just as a German best of all, what is good for the Jews and what not, and therefore lead the descendants of the perpetrators on a regular basis, as if Israel, a German protectorate, which is not itself able to decide on his weal and woe.
Even the incessant call for "international investigation" when the Jewish state once again suspected of a crime is an encroachment on the sovereignty of the State of Israel and an arrogance unparalleled. The UK has just the processing of his "Bloody Sunday" concluded the German Parliament has a Committee of bombing in Kunduz - but Israel's affairs should kindly of supposedly superior regulated by light and let instances. The demand for a complete lifting of the Gaza blockade, as it brought Niebel party colleague Guido Westerwelle - agree with the "Free Gaza" Alliance from Islamists and their European cheerleaders - is deeply presumptuous. And this before especially the fact that it has not been able to UNIFIL mission with the participation of the Bundeswehr, which prevent Hezbollah from the reinstatement of its missile arsenal.
But perhaps even the supposedly pro-Israel government long ago made friends with the idea that there will soon come to a war which Israel loses and then they would be she believes, at least, come the problem. Before that belongs to the Israelis blamed, so you can play afterwards pure conscience as a friend of the Jewish state, which had been so warned that there is no such move on. With friends like these, but it really needs no enemies.
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