Have I ever mentioned how different can package services?
to live in a nice neighborhood has the advantage that almost always someone takes your packages. We even have a special luxury, that is a pharmacy right next door that is at least from the DHL man driven always easy when we no one is there.
Hermes brings it like once finished, hang the package in a plastic bag too easy on the door. This is due to the fact that a lot of people pass through our street rather semi, but thanks to nice neighbors is / is then protected the bag quickly in the hall. On Monday I
came home and found that I had to be delivered a package from DPD? DPD? (If you were just four people in the apartment used as the man) had, since @ kieliscalling but just tells a horror story about allegedly encountered roommate. But no matter on the docket was that he would on Tuesday to 14 clock back pass. Class, as had I Home Office planned.
looked Tuesday morning 11 am I so against zuzugucken something happen out of the window to the construction workers over and saw the DPD car parked half in the site driveway, honked evil from construction vehicles. Fittingly, the doorbell rang and I was very curious as to whether the DPD package well I ordered a Pepsi "SchwipSchwap" sports bag would contain. I opened the door and stood before me - our DHL man.
WTF? He brought me my Amazon package (again ultra-fast, I can not say enough!), Smalltalkte with me about the cat and vanished again. The DPD-car on the street was now gone.
Well, I thought, so must not have been the car with my pack, which will surely go so many trips.
It was 14 clock. It was 15 clock.
Clock At 16 I tried using the snippet of the previously torn notification certificate on the web to find out where, then, would my package?
DPD.de went on certainly do nothing, the number on the ticket was not used since. So I tried to call but my phone line for safety reasons for such expensive phone calls starting with 0900 closed flat. I grabbed the phone, still got the message, how expensive would be the call per minute and a recorded message that I am on a other attributes could add a personalized service. Now I was ever on it and wanted to talk to someone.
Nope, I was in fact thrown out of the line.
but now on the site, where only the first delivery attempt was registered and that they wanted to come back. I could leave my pack and deliver to the Aral on the corner or the other to one address. Hm
I knew that I was also the day on Wednesday at home and thought I could just give it a try again.
Well. Was probably nothing. Last night on the Internet was suddenly not even have the choice, instead, stood in a line slipped slightly of "small package delivered" or something like that.
today then came an email from Pepsi, I had "refused" in the DPD. WTF?
Now I can once again shell out 3.99 € shipping costs, which I entitled, however, cheaper is as if I have my work out have not for about 1 € per minute with a DPD representative on the phone to bother (which kieliscalling yes even at @ ).
One thing is: I will never send a package with DPD and if I have an online shipping choice, always choose DHL. And a pissigen Blogintrag write what I have done.
Edit: I have the time Tracking looked at and there is to see nothing from a second attempt to deliver ...

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