Jewish sovereignty? Without us!
The ruling parties and Social Democrats and Greens had provided the template. "The military action against the Israeli armed forces largely Turkish-flagged, Gaza Solidarity fleet 'in international waters about 130 kilometers off the coast of Gaza, on 31 May 2010 has triggered strong reactions all over the world, "it says in the introduction there .* The very demonstrative reference to the scene - in which the Israelis, one should probably understand that to seek to have nothing to say - it announces taking sides against the legitimacy of the Israeli action at. The "tragic events" would, it is determined only apparently neutral, "nine Lives required. There follow references to the "international law" on the "limits" in the "application of state sovereignty" and inevitably to the "principle of proportionality." The German Parliament sees "strong evidence" to its violation.
The first demand of the Bundestag is, accordingly, after an international investigation of the use against the "solidarity fleet '." It is the parliamentarians therefore focuses on the Israeli reaction and less about the anti-Israeli action . This study should, involving the usual suspects Held thus "belonging to representatives of the Quartet, the EU, the United Nations, Russia and the United States." But ever since Obama's presidency, not a single binding partner of Israel is more in this quartet, the "investigation" would therefore inevitably lead to the Tribunal, the result would be the first place. Apart from this is that desire a deeply arrogant intrusion into the sovereignty of the Jewish state, whose independent efforts, the events surrounding, you mistrust obviously essential - while you yourself are not even able, with his army in the UNIFIL mission to prevent the rearmament of Hezbollah.
But not all: the failure of ostensibly "peace flotilla" was issued by the German Parliament still turned into a success. It is said in the decision: "The events of 31 May 2010 directed the world's attention to the situation of the people of Gaza "To this very carefully. - At, in view of countless in the Palestinian territories, active NGOs, specialized UN agencies and billions in cash injections by the way is missing not quite sure - was it the 700 "friends of peace" that crowded the ships while hardly room for allegedly required Relief supplies left. The German Parliament, joined in their logic and now claims with reference to the Israeli blockade and the ailing economy in Gaza. "A life in dignity is not possible," This statement and the unambiguous assignment of responsibility for Israel to set the "Resolution "is already near. The second claim follows therefore also the EU's line: The Bundestag expects of Israel, "the immediate, unconditional and permanent opening of access to Gaza for the transport of humanitarian aid, commercial goods and passengers to and from Gaza", the federal government will stop "The call of the European Union for an immediate Repeal of the Gaza blockade to strongly support. "
Germany knows what do Jews
The desire for a free movement of goods is - because the Bundestag is very naive - actually based on the grounds that it would building materials needed for school buildings, because otherwise the UN-backed "universal service in education "fail and Hamas" to submit the missing school offers "would. That newly delivered building materials for schools would be used first and foremost, but by no means be assumed, but rather it would give priority to Israel's military successfully deconstructed Hamas and bunkers rebuilt and expanded. The free movement of people, which is the German parliament equally challenged leaves, also in view of the ideological structure in Gaza and mindful fear of mass willingness to "martyr" that in open borders again infiltrate human bombs into the Israeli heartland, where murder would. But over the MPs silent eloquent.
In characteristic style of the "honest broker", it is true, "be respected" Israel's "legitimate security interests" would have, and the "destruction of Israel" must "be generally recognized, particularly by Hamas. " One wishes, moreover, that "the rocket fire from Gaza cease immediately and that will be eliminated by the border control arms supplies to Gaza." But these are merely rhetorical and downstream positions. For the lifting of the blockade has indeed made to "immediately, unconditionally and permanently" - that is, without the protection of Israel's legitimate security interests (where the note assumed by legitimate and illegitimate), without the recognition of Israel by his declared enemies without end of rocket fire from Gaza and without the elimination of weapons to Hamas. Finally, it is known in Berlin of course much better than in Jerusalem: "The blockade of Gaza is counterproductive and serves the political and security interests of Israel, not the end."
There are no parties ...
The first demand of the German Parliament - after the tribunal - is aimed at the demonization of Israel, the second - after the immediate end of the essential for Israel's blockade of Gaza, respectively Hamastan - runs as a consequence also the fact that Israel is weapons to the Islamic murderers and deliver passively. Murderers may live in dignity, not even Jews live, however - that's what the Federal Parliament in the final analysis. None of the Members understood as anti-Semite, but the decision is a document of consensus and common sense-creating new anti-Semitism - adopted unanimously by the German Bundestag. When it comes to Israel, we know this country, no parties, but only German. Such harmony prevails otherwise only in games of football team.
line is designed for even the speeches of the representatives of all factions during the parliamentary debate on the application. "Now it's something special that I want to know here highly appreciated, for example, Wolfgang Gehrke said of the Left Party. "We will accept this request. That is, . For the first time in the Middle East issue all factions of the House a joint request asking "Even the Free Democrat Rainer Stinner was enthusiastic:". What we have here is actually shared a new quality of German foreign and security policy "Rolf Mützenich (SPD) announced in old-fashioned tone, what is best for the Jewish state: "We need Israel to make it clear that just by the closure of the Gaza Strip, the opposite of achieve what Israel achieve really want." And the union leaders Philipp Missfelder thought the surrender call to the Jewish state is in a sense the logical and almost inevitable consequence from the German past: "Against the background of our history and our historical responsibility, which is characterized in this day and age not of guilt but of great responsibility, it's about to achieve their goals of peace. I think our application is very helpful. "The exception, were all, so the Bundestag Minutes after the vote also" noted applause throughout the home. "
... but only German
What these anti-Israel union causes and not just since yesterday, what characterizes him, has analyzed the publicist Eike Geisel already about fifteen years, to be read in his book Triumph of good will : "In the name of peace with Israel to be is something new. Because of this resentment all the practical and political reasons has been stripped. [...] This new anti-Semitism arises not from low instincts, nor is it honorable discharge of political intentions. It is the morality of morons. The anti-Jewish resentment springs from the purest of human needs, it comes from the desire for peace. It is absolutely innocent, it is as universal as moral. This moral act, the German anti-Semitism Wiedergutwerdung so far as to announce it by the completion of inhumanity: the Banality of good "And so it is no coincidence that this banality, both in the" shameless fan zones "at the German World Cup games innocent train breaks down and in Parliament. Black, red and horny everywhere, opposition or even criticism Sun undesirable as futile. "In the past the so-called Jewish question the cross-party tape that held together the Germans, it is now the question of Palestine, which creates a sense of national unity," stated Henryk M. Broder therefore very good reason. to stage
The rhetorical efforts in this country, are as Israel's closest friend and partner were never - as much as the latest now undeniable proof - for the actual support of the Jewish state, but only the execution of duty and obligation to Auschwitz in German. to now but, as you yourself attested, "worked up" the past have sufficient, there is no holding back: Israel is discarded as burdensome ballast. All members of the Bundestag, from left to right and without any exception, have an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel resolution because given their voice. There is not one Member who holds the Jewish state. Not one. This is the completion of the national community against Israel, the parliamentary equivalent of what is outside the Chamber anyway almost unquestioned consensus. The people's representatives, they have earned its name honestly.
* Also in Germany there were "Jews out" strong reactions ", in the form of throwing stones and calling for a Jewish dance troupe 19 June in Hannover by Muslim youth, which, although not in form, but the thoughts were integrated as well.
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